Home | Third Party Software
- Mentor Examinator – This statistical analysis tool analyzes STDF and also offers real-time data analysis using the TEMS datastream.
- Teradyne Repair Station Software – This paperless repair, defect-tracking and reporting tool designed by Siemens Electronic Manufacturing Solutions group is specifically designed for Teradyne TestStation and Spectrum in-circuit test systems.
- Tester Data Link – Teradyne’s standard tool for digital test program generation supports the conversion of digital design outputs, such as Standard Test Interface Language (STIL), verilog Value Change Dump (VCD/EVCD) and Waveform Generation language for Teradyne platforms.
- TortoiseSVN – This free open-source client for the Subversion version control system manages files and directories over time and stores them in a central repository. Although TortoiseSVN is not sold or distributed by Teradyne, we recommend it as a reliable revision control system suitable for facilitating collaborative development of IG-XL test programs.
- WaveWizard – Using common engineering tools, WaveWizard is a pattern conversion program with an automatic tool for generating ATE programs from the designer’s simulation data. It generates a test program according to the device spec, avoiding the inherent problems of forcing an event-driven simulation into a constrained ATE program.