Teradyne Users Group

TUGx Global Seminars are a series of one day, free events held throughout the world both in-person and virtually. These local seminars provide an avenue for Teradyne to share best practices and new test methodologies, ensuring content is relevant to the local audience and empowering our customers to get the most out of their Teradyne technology.



Advanced Digital/SOC

Synopsys Streaming Fabric Support on UltraFLEX Family
Original Author: Francois Deun

Francois joined Teradyne in 1995 as Field application engineer on Mixed-Signal Test Systems. Prior to Teradyne, Francois served as Test Engineer during Military Service, developing test programs on J971 for the French Ministry of Defense. Since a Year, Francois joined the Teradyne Factory Application group and focus on DFT activities including Scan Network. Francois graduated from University of Rennes and is based in the wonderful area of "Golfe du Morbihan" in Bretagne, France.

Synopsys Streaming Fabric support on UltraFlex Family: Synopsys is a major Electronic Design Automation (EDA) company. Synopsys developed a new Technology called Streaming Fabric (SF) that integrates specific Design-For-Test blocks (DFT) for Scan compression and parallel test efficiency. Those emerging technologies imply a new approach as well as new responsibilities from the Automatic Test Equipment (ATE) perspective. Teradyne test systems are an important cog in the Workflow from Design to Test and back to Design. This presentation will describe the Streaming Fabric technologies from a design point of view with emphasis on the benefits for our customers. We will cover the change of workflow when converting patterns with Third-Party tools as well as the integration of those patterns in the test program. Teradyne IGXL Software embeds specific application programming interfaces (APIs) to support SF insertion while focusing on ease-of-use for the teams. Finally, we will present the means Teradyne is offering to collect and report results, this includes STDF and ScanFalcon.
An Introduction to Tags in IGXL
Original Author: Chris Green

Chris Green is a factory application engineer in the digital tools group where he helps develop the next generation instruments and software for Teradyne's test platforms. Prior to Teradyne, Chris was an applications engineer at Motorola, AMD, Avago and Advantest. Chris was introduced to electronics while serving in the US Navy.

Co-Author: Ofer Barhum

Ofer Barhum is a field application engineer in the Israeli SEG team at Teradyne, where he is responsible for the implementation, test development and support of the UltraFLEX and UltraFLEXplus systems in the Israeli startups and big TEC companies. Prior to Teradyne Ofer was a test and product development engineer at Intel. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in electrical engineering from Ruppin Academic center.

In the partnership between design and test, it can often be difficult to exchange the specifics required for test execution because the environments are so different. This communication gets further complicated by the stil generation and pattern conversion process as vector positions can stray further from the source. Pattern tags is a new feature introduced in IG-XL 10.50 which allow for specific vectors to be annotated and these annotations can then be retrieved programmatically during validation and runtime. This presentation will describe this new feature and review the new API's that retrieve and interact with pattern tags. It will also review validation and execution performance data and discuss some common use cases for pattern tags.
Timing Search and Alignment for SSN on UltraFLEXplus
Original Author: Eden Hu

Eden Hu is the engineer for SEG at Teradyne, where he is responsible for support MediaTek for the UltraFLEX family tester. He joined Teradyne after finish master's degree until now. (2015~now)

Co-Author: Tsung-Hsun Chiang

Tsung-Hsun Chiang is the technical manager for manufacturing operation Div at Mediatek, where he is responsible for ASIC chip testing requirements. Prior to Mediatek, Tsung-Hsun was the team lead at Teradyne. He holds a Master of electrical engineering from National Sun-Yat Sen University.

Scan testing has gotten faster since customers have added SSN (Streaming Scan Network) to the design. In the past, scan testing was usually at 100MHz, but it has evolved to the highest speed of 400MHz now. Relatively, the overall timing error that can be accommodated becomes smaller. In the past, the timing was usually set fixed in the program. However, the manufacturing processes, voltage conditions, etc. may make device have some difference and then test failures and loss yield, so the timing setting becomes very important. In the past, characterization was used for timing adjustment, but characterization is relatively time-consuming in search, because the pattern requires repeated bursts, and the application result is also complex. For the problem of timing alignment in high-speed digital testing, UFplus provides new functions AutoStrobe and Edge Offset which can quickly calibrate and apply timing during the test process. It would be a more efficient solution than traditional characterization. Therefore, in this paper, we will demonstrate the benefits of this technology through an actual MediaTek project.
Measuring the Input Capacitance of the Differential Pins of the NFC’s Antenna
Original Author: Pio Marcozzi

Pio Marcozzi is the field application engineer at Teradyne Milan, where he is responsible for supporting ETS800 and UltraFLEXplus testers. He holds a Master of Science in electronic engineering.

NFC devices are quasi pure digital devices, supplied by UVS256-HP resources driven by UP2200 digital channels, where the embedded PPMUs can do most of the analog tests. The need for low Cost of Test pushes to high site count solutions (256 sites or more). One of the challenges is measuring the capacitor inside the antenna inputs. The target site count and COT prevent from using any AC instrument, but the small capacitor value (<100pF) and required accuracy (<1pF) makes this nontrivial. Given the device input structure, a quasi-static method is applicable by using a constant current charge method while the PE’s comparators can evaluate the rising/falling time of the capacitance’s charge. The forementioned technique was implemented on a real device with 68pF typical capacitance: a correlation against old AC method has shown differences within 1pF and production test time below 100ms while the old method test time was about 1s. This paper explains how this technique can be implemented successfully on the UltraFLEXplus and how to avoid the pitfalls that would affect measurement’s accuracy.
A Successful Journey of SSN Implementation in Multi-Die Chiplet Packaging for Network Processor
Original Author: Chien-Min Hwong

Chien Min Hwong is the field application engineer at Teradyne Singapore, where he is responsible for program development for the UltraFLEX and UltraFLEXplus tester. He holds a degree in microelectronic engineering from National University of Malaysia.

The recent trend in the industry has been a shift towards the construction of systems by integrating multiple chiplets into a single package. This paper explores the application of the Tessent Streaming Scan Network (SSN), a revolutionary approach to scan testing, in the context of Multi-Die Chiplet Packaging. SSN facilitates concurrent testing of cores using a reduced number of scan pins, thereby decreasing both test time and scan data volume. The study focuses on a case where the customer has begun to implement SSN on the CPU die of their new device, while retaining traditional scan testing for the DDR and PCIE dies. This scenario presents several challenges, including channel assignment for multiple time domains (where different Dies run concurrently for the scan test), scan vector memory calculation, and balancing scan bit allocation across instruments. The hardware design also requires careful consideration, particularly when the SSN is operating at higher speeds (300MHz). Factors such as trace length, trace width, and 50-ohm termination need to be managed effectively. The paper will further demonstrate the potential for optimizing vector memory through functional vector compression (flexible scan pins). Finally, it will discuss the process for printing out the SSN sticky bit status in the event of failure occurrences. This paper aims to provide valuable insights into the practical application and optimization of SSN in the context of Multi-Die Chiplet Packaging.
Testing Advantages of Implementation of Streaming Scan Network On Chip
Original Author: Javier Campos

Javier Campos is a Field Applications Engineer at Teradyne, where he is responsible for develop, debug and deployment of test solutions for semiconductor devices. He holds a degree in Electronics Engineering from Costa Rica Institute of Technology.

The 3nm process for newer semiconductors offers numerous advantages, including denser transistor, performance improvements and enhanced power efficiency. However, packing more transistors in the same area increases complexity and carriages new challenges for testing. The number of cores grows while the pin counts available remain constant. Traditional scan method may result in inefficient test time and vector memory utilization. The Tessent Streaming Scan Network (SSN) introduced by Siemens aims to overcome these testing challenges by reducing the scan test data and enabling parallelism of multiple cores. The UltraFlexplus tester supports SSN in two modes: On Chip Compare and Tester Compare. Additionally, the improved capabilities and performance of the UltraFLEXplus digital instrument UltraPin2200 provide larger and pooled vector memory shared across channels, larger scan capabilities, and more flexible digital channels allocation. The objective of this paper is to explore the advantages of implementing the SSN mode On Chip Compare versus the traditional scan testing. These benefits might include test time reduction, vector memory utilization optimization, and more rapid test program development.
An Innovative Solution for Fully Testing High Speed Serial Interfaces to 112Gbps and Beyond
Original Author: Tim Lyons
Co-Author: Priyanka Jaiswal
This paper will present and describe the newest member of the UltraPHY high speed interface test solution family and demonstrate its use not just for the highest speed SERDES interfaces but also how it could be applied to many other multi-level and encoded signaling busses. It is a fully integrated testhead instrument applying a DAC based super high speed arbitrary waveform generator as a pattern and signal generator. It is paired with a super high bandwidth ADC based digitizer to capture and analyze almost any kind of data signal. Examples of SERDES, PAMx, MIPI camera C-PHY, MIPI automotive A-PHY, DP-QPSK coherent, and other test signals will be sourced and captured. Innovative features like a live PRBS pat gen driving a DAC, super low jitter performance, and system coherent clocking will be discussed and described.
Collecting Scan Fails, What’s Next? Introduction to Diagnosis
Original Author: Francois Deun

Francois joined Teradyne in 1995 as Field application engineer on Mixed-Signal Test Systems. Prior to Teradyne, Francois served as Test Engineer during Military Service, developing test programs on J971 for the French Ministry of Defense. Since a Year, Francois joined the Teradyne Factory Application group and focus on DFT activities including Scan Network. Francois graduated from University of Rennes and is based in the wonderful area of "Golfe du Morbihan" in Bretagne, France.

Collecting Scan fails, what's next? Introduction to Diagnosis: During the life of a device, there is a constant need for Yield monitoring. Design for Manufacturing (DFM) duty is to identify how device design can be improved to maximize production efficiency. Fault Diagnosis and Failure analysis are key elements to the understanding of the mechanisms. Scan testing, as a structural test, is a major source of information to map failures to the design. Scan data collection is mandatory to perform this analysis. It is Automatic Test Equipment (ATE) duty to collect that data at whatever level, from Engineering to Mass Production. This paper will describe how Teradyne collects and reports scan fail information. We will cover STDF scan-specific entries as well as ASCII outputs with ScanFalcon. We will then discuss the next steps and how Design teams process the results reported by the ATE to pinpoint areas of improvement in their design.
Using Functional Vector Compression to Optimize Vector Memory Usage
Original Author: Meir Gellis

Meir is the marketing manager of Testinsight. Testinsight is Teradyne OEM partner providing design to test solutions targeting Teradyne ATE systems including the UltraFLEX, Eagle systems and Magnum. Testinsight solutions offer a closed loop environment from pattern conversion, to test verification using a Virtual tester emulating the ATE in the simulation environment.

Co-Author: Chris Cassidy

Chris Cassidy is a Factory Applications Engineer for the US CSOC Digital & Tools group at Teradyne, where he is responsible for ongoing support with design-ins and new IG-XL features. Prior to graduating with a BSEE from Wentworth Institute of Technology in 2020, Chris completed internships across a variety of focus areas at companies such as iRobot and Analog Devices.

This presentation will explain how users can utilize the Teradyne UltraFLEXplus scan option for functional patterns compression. Using this methodology allows users to optimize usage of the UltraFLEXplus vector memory. We will share also some actual results of compression achieved using this methodology with an actual customer case for a very large device.
Proactively Control DUT’s Temperature
Original Author: Troy Zhang

Troy Zhang is a factory application engineer for digital and software tools group at Teradyne, where he is responsible for high-speed digital test solution development and supporting Asia Design-Ins. Prior to this role, Troy was the field application engineer at SEG China. He holds a Master of Science degree in Precision Instrument Engineering from Shanghai Jiao-Tong University.

Today’s ATC systems typically rely on sensing DUT’s temperature to close the control loop. However, to react on a temperature change it usually takes a long time for the ATC system to pull the temperature back to the preset value. In this presentation the author will describe a new architecture of DUT ATC system, and with the features available on UltraFLEXplus ’s DCVS instruments, user can calculate the heat power of the DUT in real time and be able to control a Near-DUT-Heater to generate more or less heat based off the electrical power going into the DUT. By doing this, system can maintain the total heat generated by both DUT and extra heater at a constant rate, consequently the temperature shall not fluctuate as much as before without the extra design. As a result, the 3rd party closed-loop ATC system shall be able to maintain DUT temperature much easier and much more accurate.
How the EFA (Electric Failure Analysis) Works on Streaming Scan Network Patterns
Original Author: Troy Zhang

Troy Zhang is a factory application engineer for digital and software tools group at Teradyne, where he is responsible for high-speed digital test solution development and supporting Asia Design-Ins. Prior to this role, Troy was the field application engineer at SEG China. He holds a Master of Science degree in Precision Instrument Engineering from Shanghai Jiao-Tong University.

Failure analysis is necessary in order to understand what caused the failure and how it can be prevented in the future. Electrical Failure analysis is the process of determining how or why a semiconductor device has failed, often performed as a series of steps known as EFA techniques. In this presentation, the author will introduce the ATE involved EFA techniques including LVx(Laser Voltage Probing and Imaging) and DLS/LADA(Dynamic Laser Stimulation / Laser Activated Device Alteration). After that, the author will explain the requirements for ATE to carry out those techniques, and challenges if the scan patterns being used are SSN(Streaming Scan Network) patterns. He will then demonstrate a proposal from Siemens for workflow changes to address those challenges, and a Teradyne’s tool solution for processing SSN patterns that will be used in those processes.
How to Use PortBridge’s Register Map Integration to Simplify Test Development and Debug
Original Author: Conner Clark

Conner Clark is a software engineer for the PortBridge project at Teradyne, where he is responsible for designing and implementing new software features. Prior to Teradyne, Conner was a systems engineer at Aerojet Rocketdyne. He holds a Bachelor of Science in computer engineering from University of California, Irvine.

Co-Author: Richard Fanning & Stephen Peck

Richard Fanning is the software architect for the PortBridge project at Teradyne, where he is responsible for developing the software, marketing the product and determining the product roadmap. Prior to working on PortBridge, he worked on numerous products for the FLEX, UltraFLEX and UltraFLEXplus platforms. He holds a degree in Computer Science from Harvey Mudd College. Stephen Peck is the Senior Principal for Test Engineer at Marvell, where he is responsible for programming and testing parts. Prior to Marvell, Stephen was the Test Engineer at Broadcom. He holds a degree in Electrical Engineering from Texas A&M.

A pervasive challenge faced while developing and debugging test programs is the lack of integrated support for register maps. While most devices have one or many defined register maps, traditional approaches often require test engineers to hardcode values or generate custom libraries to interact with their registers by name. These methods, while functional, can be cumbersome, error-prone and do not offer a complete solution. PortBridge has addressed these challenges by enabling test engineers to load both industry-standard and custom register maps formats directly into a test program. With this awareness of the registers, PortBridge empowers users to seamlessly reference register names directly from test files and provides type-ahead capability in all IGXL test program development environments. Additionally, this feature offers an intuitive Graphical User Interface (GUI) to provide real-time visualization of registers and their corresponding fields, as well as the ability to update them dynamically as tests are conducted. These improvements radically improve the ability to bring up and debug test programs by abstracting register knowledge in such a way that engineers can shift their focus away from the hassle of managing and maintaining custom register map libraries and focus on test development and debug at a higher level.
Optimizing AP Chip Testing on UltraFLEXplus: Strategies for Enhanced Performance and Cost Efficiency
Original Author: Chao Zhou

Chao Zhou is the field application engineer for application processor (AP) and big digital system on chip (SoC) at Teradyne, where he has consistently provided innovative testing solutions, leveraging his analytical expertise to enhance efficiency and quality. He holds a master’s in Electrical Engineering from the University of New South Wales (UNSW) .

Co-Author: Pinneng Zhou & Dongmei Niu

Pinneng Zhou is a test engineer at Unisoc, responsible for implementing test solutions for SOC products. Before joining Unisoc, Pinneng worked as a digital test machine applications engineer. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering from Hunan University of Science and Technology.

This presentation outlines the strategies employed in the development and testing of AP class chips using the Teradyne UltraFLEXplus (UFP) platform. Our project leverages advanced technologies to integrate Chip Probing (CP) and Final Test (FT) processes, achieving improved efficiency and quality. We begin by examining the technical advancements that enable high site count testing on the UFP platform. This section introduces how to use the new PACE architecture of the UltraFLEXplus platform to address the challenges in Load Board design for high site count. It also ensures the parallel test efficiency (PTE) of each site. Additionally, we discuss increasing CP flow test coverage, including strategies for ensuring site consistency in CP binning and shifting more tests from FT to CP such as Memory-BIST etc. The implementation of the MIPI switch in the current project is also highlighted. The second section focuses on improvements in quality and efficiency through the development of a robust library of IPs common codes, characterization, and Efuse CBB. We also discuss the integration of IG link, Git, and DevOps practices, alongside custom tools like STDF analysis tool, Shmoo result analysis tool, and testing program information extraction tool. Finally, we analyze the cost implications, covering common Test-Time-Reduction (TTR) strategies for System on Chip (SoC) products, the financial benefits of high site count testing, and the cost-effectiveness of increasing CP flow test coverage.
Concurrent Test Performance on UltraFLEXplus in Practical Project
Original Author: Tars Zhang

Tars Zhang is the field application engineer for RF and analog devices at Teradyne, where he is responsible for handling ATE testing and mass production requirements of customer's Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and transceiver chips on UltraFlex family testers. He also provides formal customer training and maintains code library. Tars Zhang holds a Master degree in Electronic and Electrical Engineering from the University of Leeds.

Co-Author: Tingxiang Yu

Tingxiang Yu is the ATE team manager for RF devices at Unisoc, where he is responsible for ATE test requirement analysis and ATE solution development for the RFICs. Prior to Unisoc, Tingxiang was the ATE engineer at Teradyne. He holds a Master of Electronic Engineering in electrical engineering from East China Normal University.

Concurrent test is a method which is significant to reduce test time. UltraFLEXplus supports most of the concurrent test features found on the UltraFLEX. Additionally, UltraPin2200 improves patgen and PA engine granularity. DC instruments can individually be assigned to different time domains on UltraFLEXplus. These advantages make concurrent test easier on UltraFLEXplus platform. Modern devices designed with numerous independent blocks on the same die or in the same package are perfectly compatible with concurrent test features. This practice is an AIOT device which contains PMIC, analog, RF, USB, PLL blocks. Meanwhile, AIOT device is extremely sensitive to the cost. Depend on this, this paper will discuss preconditions for applying concurrent test to a project on UltraFLEXplus, basic mechanism of concurrent test and how to apply concurrent test to a project, concurrent test benefits on test time reduction based on our practical verification project. We have tested the performance of concurrent test by assembling four different block combinations in this practical project which covers the concurrency between pattern, protocol aware and DC instrument. This paper will also illustrate the efficiency, HW design requirement and potential concurrent test advice for device designers based on our best practice.


RF Customized Library for Time Saving of Test Program Development and Test Time Reduction
Original Author: Jun-Sang Lee

Junsang Lee is Application engineer for RF devices at Teradyne, where he is responsible for developing the test program for the UltraFLEXplus tester. Prior to Teradyne, Junsang was the test engineer at SK Hynix and Analog device. He holds a bachelor’s degree in electronic engineering.

Recently LTE RF device has more than 3000 test items. It takes long time to complete the test program. after reviewing the test plan from IC designer. When the development period is pulled in than expected, the test engineer is under pressure to complete the code fast and accurately. Customized RF standard library helps the time saving for the test program development, test time reduction and easy to code and debugging. The idea is that customized standard library is matched to the format of the test plan from IC designer. It makes the information of test plan move to the test program easily and fast. And all of VBT code and the format of the test condition is reusable for next product because only small change such as specification and number of ports will be made. IGXL is based on Excel and IGXL version in UltraFlex can provide maximum 60 variables in Test Instance It makes that the necessary test information from the test plan is included to the test program. In customized standard library, the format of the test information is matched to the test plan through the cooperation of IC designer and the test items are categorized in ports(RX/TX) and block(2G/4G/5G). And in order to optimize the test program, customized standard library includes the embedded auto script to generate RF and baseband signal of UltraWave8G and UltrPac300 when validating IGXL. Her is the customer's feedback regarding the customized standard library. 1. Time saving for Test Program Development: > 50% 2. Test Time Reduction: 8.8%
POP Bursting Leading Over 40% Test Time Reduction to UltraFLEXplus RF Test
Original Author: Sophia Zhang

Sophia Zhang is the factory application engineer for wireless Factory Application department at Teradyne, where she is responsible for RF leading edge application solution design, new RF software and hardware verification and testing for. She has worked in Teradyne over 8 years, and prior to Teradyne, Sophia was the senior test consulting Engineer at Advantest/Verigy and Agilent for 10 years. She holds a master's degree in Micro-electronic from Fudan University and bachelor's degree in Optical-electronic Instrument in Zhejiang University.

UltraFLEXplus system implements the Parallel Advanced Command Execution (PACE) architecture, which enhances test execution by delegating hardware commands to embedded processors and maintaining a pipeline for strict and predictable command execution. Pattern Oriented Programming (POP) burst in UltraFLEXplus system offers significant benefits in terms of test stability and optimization of test times, Test throughput increasing and test development time reducing and Flexibility and scalability enhancing. Compared to tests based on Visual Basic for Test (VBT) , test time reduction result brought by using single POP pattern is very limited. But when POP patterns are grouped together (burst mode) the test time optimized efficient will rise dramatically even to 40 to 60%. This paper will using really test cases with RF instruments ultrawave8G,ultrawave24G as well as UPAC300 to demonstrate the benefits POP-bursting brings to customer. Pure VBT testing, POP single pattern test and POP burst testing are compared.
How the UltraFLEXplus Enables High Bandwidth IQ Test by UltraPAC500
Original Author: Wei-Min Zhang

Wei-Min Zhang is Teradyne Wireless factory apps engineer, locate in Shanghai, China. He has more than 20 years' experience on semi-conductor ATE solution development. He has specific expertise on high-speed and RF solution development, involved and deliver many solutions to world-wide leading-edge customer successfully. Focus on test solution based on wifi7/UWB with UW8G/UW24G recently.

UltraPAC500 is new generation IQ signal instrument in UltraFLEXPlus tester. One UltraPAC500 instrument have 16 diff source/16 diff capture (8 IQ pairs), I/Q channel have 250 MHz BW to provide 500 MHz IQ BW. It have higher channel density and higher bandwidth compared to UltraPAC300 and UltraPAC80 in UltraFLEX tester. The Ultra Precision Analog Channel have native IQ capabilities for IQ waveform AWG generator and IQ waveform capture. The user model for UPAC500 is different from UPAC300 and UPAC80. The I and Q channels will be programmed as a IQ pair. In this paper, we will introduce this new generation of IQ signal instrument – UPAC500 and key best practices and loopback performance experiments result.
Effortless RF Front End Test Solutions
Original Author: Nelson Young

Nelson Young is a hardware engineer in the ACRF System Engineering where he is responsible for wireless ATE products including UltraFLEXplus tester. Prior to Teradyne, Nelson has worked in the RF and microwave industry for 40 years focusing on receivers and wireless hardware designs in both the military, enterprise and consumer products. He holds a degree in Electrical Engineering from UC Berkeley.

An RFFE module is a pre-assembled component that integrates various circuits crucial for transmitting and receiving radio frequency (RF) signals in mobile devices such as smartphones, smartwatches and tablets. It essentially acts as the bridge between the antenna and the transceiver chip, handling signal amplification, filtering, switching and other critical functions. The integration of multiple components into a single module contributes to a smaller footprint, enabling slimmer and more compact mobile device designs. As a result, ATE test solutions need to provide high-throughput and comprehensive testing of these modules with accuracy, efficiency and reduced test time. Testing RFFE modules is a multifaceted process involving functional verification, RF performance evaluation, and adherence to industry standards. Some critical parameters are transmit power level, receive sensitivity, power consumption, filter response, return loss, harmonics suppression, and linearity. This paper will outline the performance requirements and the complete Teradyne solutions to meet these challenges today and into the future. The platform offers excellence in both hardware, user friendly software and ease of customization.
Testing Wireless Battery Management Devices on the UltraFLEXplus
Original Author: Mike Carr

Mike Carr is a RF Factory Engineer. Mike has Been at Teradyne since 1988 where he has worked on many different platforms and many different technologies. Mike holds a BSEE from Wentworth Institute of Technology.

Modern electrified vehicles have very dense battery packs. These packs are comprised of dozens of lithium-ion cells stacked together in a vehicle chassis. These high-density battery packs are relying on sophisticated monitoring and communication interfaces in order to detect faults and to have the cells work efficiently together, effectively increasing the battery life. There are two Battery Management techniques in use: wired and wireless. A typical Battery management scheme has each battery cell, or small group of cells, connected to high accuracy monitors. In the wired Battery Management scenario, the cell monitors are wired to each other and connected to a Central Processing Unit (CPU). The CPU takes the incoming information from the cell monitors and incorporates the data in to a track battery performance and battery health.Wireless Battery Management uses a wireless protocol like Low Energy Bluetooth to replace the wired interconnects. The potential high volume applications for Wireless Battery Management devices requires a low cost high throughput device test solution. This paper will describe Ultra-Flex instruments need to test these devices.
Bringing Modulated UWB Testing to the UltraFLEXplus via UltraWaveLX0UWB+
Original Author: Becca Percy

Becca Percy is a Senior Wireless Factory Applications engineer for the UltraFlex family of testers at Teradyne, where she is responsible for AC, RF, and millimeter-wave application solutions. Prior to Teradyne, Becca was an SMTS Test Engineer at GlobalFoundries. She holds a PhD in electrical engineering with a focus on millimeter and sub-millimeter frequencies from the University of Virginia.

From tracking your lost cat to securely unlocking your car door hands-free to tracking the robots on a warehouse floor, UWB (ultra-wideband) applications are expanding. How are you testing them? On your bench setup and in characterization, you may be using the LitePoint IQgig-UWB+ test system. On your production test floor, you are using the UltraFLEXplus to test a variety of projects. What if you could combine the production worthy environment of the UltraFLEXplus with the feature rich IQgig-UWB+? The UltraWaveLX-UWB+ integrates the power of the LitePoint IQgig-UWB+ with the UltraFLEXplus, all in a clean formfactor co-located with the support cabinet. This 32-port solution is integrated into IG-XL using the logical instrument model. It is programmed and debugged within the IG-XL ecosystem like any other RF instruments and is pin-to-pin compatible with the UltraWave8G and UltraWave24G. In this paper, the UltraWaveLX-UWB+ will be introduced, the use model shared, and performance data presented.
Understanding of PACE Pipeline Stall & Full Speed
Original Author: Yage Li

Yage Li is the software verification engineer for software productions at Teradyne, where he is responsible for creating strategy of software verification for software productions. Prior to this role, Yage was the field application engineer at Teradyne. He holds a Master of Engineering in aeronautics engineering from Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics.

Co-Author: Troy Zhang

Troy Zhang is a factory application engineer for digital and software tools group at Teradyne, where he is responsible for high-speed digital test solution development and supporting Asia Design-Ins. Prior to this role, Troy was the field application engineer at SEG China. He holds a Master of Science degree in Precision Instrument Engineering from Shanghai Jiao-Tong University.

The PACE architecture introduced by UltraFLEX plus is widely known among engineers. This architecture introduces asynchronous instructions between the host PC and DMC, resulting in the pipeline stall or pipeline full speed (also known as pipeline backpressure) phenomena. Both of these phenomena exhibit analogous behavior in timelines data, characterized by large gaps in host. A significant challenge arises from the tendency of general users to confuse pipeline full speed with pipeline stall, often leading to wasted efforts in addressing perceived but non-existent pipeline stalls. This paper presents a method to help users better understand and differentiate between pipeline stall and full speed. Additionally, a quick method for distinguishing the large gaps caused by these two phenomena is introduced.
V-band and E-band Testing on the UltraFLEXplus. A Near DUT Experience.
Original Author: Mike Carr

Mike Carr is a RF Factory Engineer. Mike has Been at Teradyne since 1988 where he has worked on many different platforms and many different technologies. Mike holds a BSEE from Wentworth Institute of Technology.

Radar devices in the 60GHz V-band and 80GHz e-band are incorporating Antenna structures right on the Die. This Antenna-in Package technique is common practice and requires creative over-the Air test techniques. Simple V-band and E-band radar devices have a low antenna count. Usually two antennas: dedicated RX and TX antennas or one vertically and one horizontally polarized antenna. New Generation radar devices, however, are increasing antenna count upwards to 4 RX/4 TX arrays. This requires mm-wave muxing by the ATE MM-wave instrument to handle the increase antenna counts and increase site counts of these next generation radar devices. Low cost, high-density test solutions will be required to test these next generation radar devices in high volume production. This paper will explore low cost, high density near DUT radar test solutions that on the UltraFLEXplus. The near DUT radar solutions incorporate the use of the UPAC500 and DSI SPI bus and User Power Supplies as some instruments used for test with the near DUT modules.
Turning Your UltraWave8G or UltraWave24G into a Spectrum Analyzer
Original Author: Lakshmi Condon

Lakshmi Condon is the Field Applications Engineer for Solutions Engineering Group at Teradyne, where she is responsible for RF test development and application support for the UltraFLEXplus tester. Prior to Teradyne, Lakshmi was Test Engineer at Aruba Networks. She holds a Master of Science in Electrical Engineering from The University of Texas at Dallas.

Co-Author: Becca Percy

Becca Percy is a Senior Wireless Factory Applications engineer for the UltraFlex family of testers at Teradyne, where she is responsible for AC, RF, and millimeter-wave application solutions. Prior to Teradyne, Becca was an SMTS Test Engineer at GlobalFoundries. She holds a PhD in electrical engineering with a focus on millimeter and sub-millimeter frequencies from the University of Virginia.

Have you ever been sitting at your desk wishing that you did not have to go out to a tester and hook up a spectrum analyzer to understand some unexpected behavior? Even worse, get on a plane or find someone remotely to connect it for you. What if the tester could measure a spectrum up to the bandwidth of the RF instrument in use? In this paper, a method for producing a plot showing the spectrum of a DUT output using and UltraWave8G or UltraWave24G will be presented. The receivers on these UltraFLEXplus instruments can support bandwidths of up to 400 MHz; however, by taking multiple captures with different LO frequencies and stitching them together, the user can create a composite wide band spectrum up to the bandwidth of the instrument in use. Should the user decide to use this method in test time critical environment, the UltraFLEXplus PACE architecture and DSP backgrounding can be implemented to optimize test time while still making wideband measurements. In this paper, the authors will present the theory behind this method, walk through some example code and its implementation, and give an example use case that can be easily adopted to your needs.
TRL Calibration Challenges on the UltraFLEX and UltraFLEXplus
Original Author: Masakazu Numajiri

Masakazu Numajiri, works as a senior application engineer in the solution engineering group in Japan, prior to worked in the applications development centre in Singapore since 2008 – 2024 and joined Teradyne since 2000. Major activity involves RF device test development and technical consulting. Supporting platforms are A5 series, Catalyst, Flex, UltraFLEX and J750 / Litepoint. Prior to joining Teradyne, had worked at Motorola holding position as application engineer and product marketing in the area of wireless technologies such as RFICs which are PA, RF Switch, LNA and so on. Hold first-class radio operator qualifications for Maritime, On Ground and vocational training instructor.

mmWave frequency range, not only coax cable, but also RF trace on board characteristics is affected to measurement performance and accuracy. Typical DUT circuit in RF, one side is with RF connector, another side is open-ended. Simple way of RF path loss in DIB is, measuring double length of RF trace and calculation of Bisect, simple scalar math is no issue, however if calculation on vector level, having magnitude error at closing 0 or +/-Pi range in phase. RF instruments of UltraFLEX and UltraFLEX plus have OSL (Open-Short-Load) is as standard calibration. However, OSL calibration is difficult to measure RF trace on DIB, especially, one side open-ended line. When measuring this kind of RF trace line on DIB, customized OSL calibration standard kit is required for each device and package type. TRL (Thru-Reflect-Load) calibration does not require precision calibration standard as like OSL calibration. TRL calibration is consist of some different length RF trace line and a reflect (open or short) line is made in DIB. This calibration standard is able to be made by DIB at same time. In same DIB or separately as coupon board. This paper will cover topics which are about fundamentals, what is advantage, evaluation result and also challenging parts will be explained as well as issues that arose during design and testing.
Testing Your PA Using DPD and UltraWave8G
Original Author: Michael Tubbs

Michael Tubbs works as a factory applications engineer for ac and wireless at Teradyne, where he is responsible for supporting new instruments and development of test solutions for emerging ac and wireless devices having previously worked with field applications. Prior to Teradyne, Michael worked as a test engineer at Lockheed Martin. He holds a BSEE degree from University of Pittsburgh.

Co-Author: Eliot Scull

Eliot Scull is an RF systems engineer at Teradyne specializing in the architecture and implementation of driver software for RF and millimeter-wave instruments in UltraFLEX and UltraFLEXplus testers. He holds a Bachelor of Science in electrical engineering and a Master of Science in computer science, both from Columbia University.

Wireless Radio Frequency (RF) transmitters typically have a Power Amplifier (PA) connecting the signal chain to an antenna for transmission. Depending upon operating conditions, the PA can introduce non-linear distortions to the signal which results in impairments in the overall transmission integrity (e.g., ACLR and EVM degradation). Generally, there is a trade-off between PA operating in the linear region at the expense of power efficiency vs PA operation with higher power efficiency at the expense of linearity. With a PA operating close to the 1dB compression point, distorted signal measurements and calculations can be made which result in a way to modify the desired signal input to the PA. The net resultant PA output signal is closer to the desired linear output signal by use of Digital Pre-Distortion (DPD). The UltraWave8G provides a mechanism for implementing DPD utilizing Look-Up Tables (LUTs). This DPD method operates on the digital source samples provided to the UltraWaveModulatedSource resulting in a pre-distorted source input to the DUT PA. Subsequent testing can verify linearity at the improved power efficiency operating point due to DPD at the DUT PA output. This paper will explain the use of DPD with the UltraWave8G and provide results from a working example.
Automotive Imaging Radar Device Testing on UltraFLEXplus Test Platform with the DX81, 76-81GHz Modules
Original Author: Vasile Sisu

Vasile Sisu is senior RF application engineer at Teradyne, where he is responsible for customer support and new product testing on UltraFlexPlus tester. Prior Teradyne, Vasile was RF test engineer at Telefunken Elektronik in Germany. He holds a Master of Science in electrical engineering and telecommunication.

Automotive Imaging Radar devices are a new upcoming market, targeting applications to detect and analyze object movements around the car. It brings promising new technology to automakers worldwide that enables more intelligent vehicles. These devices are part of a comprehensive driverless system that enables autonomous mobility. As a key part of sensing systems for automated driving, imaging radar will be an enabling element for automated driving features on highways and urban environments. Those devices are mmWave transceiver devices, operating in the 76 – 81 GHz frequency range. An innovative test solution has been developed, to allow the test of those devices at mmWave frequencies on the UltraFlexPlus test platform. The test solution, called DX81, consists of several compact modules placed in the DIB board application space. It allows bidirectional, transmit and receive DUT testing in the 76-81 GHz mmWave frequency range. It is a highly integrated, IGXL supported, suited for multisite high volume production test.
DX81: Bringing Automotive Radar Test to Your UltraFLEXplus
Original Author: Becca Percy

Becca Percy is a Senior Wireless Factory Applications engineer for the UltraFlex family of testers at Teradyne, where she is responsible for AC, RF, and millimeter-wave application solutions. Prior to Teradyne, Becca was an SMTS Test Engineer at GlobalFoundries. She holds a PhD in electrical engineering with a focus on millimeter and sub-millimeter frequencies from the University of Virginia.

Co-Author: Rachael Burke

Rachael Burke is a senior factory applications engineer at Teradyne, she is responsible for developing solution for RF and Millimeter Wave devices. During her 25 years at Teradyne, she has been a factory applications engineer, factory applications manager and field product specialist. Rachael holds a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering and an Associates of Science in Mechanical Engineering.

E-band automotive radar is an important growth area in the millimeter wave testing industry. Teradyne currently offers UltraFLEXplus RF solutions up to 24GHz. In this paper, a DIB based modular expansion solution for automotive radar testing on the UltraFLEXplus is introduced. On the UltraFLEXplus tester, an UltraWave24G instrument is used in conjunction with either an up-converter module (UCM) or a down-converter module (DCM) to source or measure a 76 to 81 GHz continuous wave (CW) signal. An optional switch Front-End-Module, either a single-throw-six-pole (SP6T) FEM or single-throw-eight-pole (SP8T) FEM, can be combined with either the UCM or DCM to present six or eight waveguide ports to the DUT. When using a DIB extension instrument such as these frequency converters, calibration is a concern. This paper will further describe the calibration solution and its usage in the production setting. In this paper, the authors will introduce the DX81 DIB extension instrument, review some key specifications, and present the calibration method.
Using TRV Proving High Performance of UW8G Single-Source-MultiTone(SSMT) Feature
Original Author: Sophia Zhang

Sophia Zhang is the factory application engineer for wireless Factory Application department at Teradyne, where she is responsible for RF leading edge application solution design, new RF software and hardware verification and testing for. She has worked in Teradyne over 8 years, and prior to Teradyne, Sophia was the senior test consulting Engineer at Advantest/Verigy and Agilent for 10 years. She holds a master's degree in Micro-electronic from Fudan University and bachelor's degree in Optical-electronic Instrument in Zhejiang University.

Ultrawave8G synthesizer per channel has multiple benefits in RF testing, There are 2 methods of sourcing multi-tone signal using ultrawave8G, 2 channel combining mode and Single source  MultiTone(SSMT) which is the new introduced for RF instruments in UltraFLEXplus. IG-XL generates single source multitone using the modulated source when you use the normal multitone VBT programming model, however for the 2 channel combine mode, it uses an internal combiner to combine 2 adjacent channels in same module. Through simple mode enable and disable, SSMT and 2-channel share same IGXL coding.  Compare to 2 channel mode SSMT has higher test parallel efficiency with comparable high performance. Teradyne Result Viewer (TRV) is a Data Application Server (DAS) that receives data events from the Test Event Messaging for Semiconductors (TEMS) protocol. TRV tool has ability to perform immediate statistical analysis in an interactive engineering environment; more efficient method to view/filter results compared to using ASCII files; TRV tool also has ability to focus on particular sites, tests or types of tests from the total data collection online and offline. It provides a graphical display of health and stability of full test program or particular test. This paper will use TRV tool to  analyze UW8G 2 multi-tone mode with  above programming

High Speed Protocol/Phy Testing

UltraPort: Enabling High Speed IO Scan on the UltraFLEXplus
Original Author: Chris Cassidy

Chris Cassidy is a Factory Applications Engineer for the US CSOC Digital & Tools group at Teradyne, where he is responsible for ongoing support with design-ins and new IG-XL features. Prior to graduating with a BSEE from Wentworth Institute of Technology in 2020, Chris completed internships across a variety of focus areas at companies such as iRobot and Analog Devices.

A follow up to the 2024 paper introducing UltraPort-PCIe and UltraPort-USB, this paper will provide a deeper dive into performing Scan over high-speed IO ports such as PCIe and USB. Beginning with an overview of the technologies involved, the paper will discuss the solutions available from Synopsys and Siemens to enable scan over high-speed IO ports on a device. Next the new cross-platform FlexTest tools will be introduced, including the Serial Scan Tool, supporting new file formats for the technology. Support on the UltraFLEXplus with UltraPort will then be presented. This will dive into the instrument specifications supporting USB and PCIe scan, including pattern memory and scan fail processing that are unique to this approach to scan testing. Software features will also be shown, including workflow changes and datalogging functionality. Finally, proof of functionality will be given as a result of partnering with Siemens and Synopsys using FPGA DUT proxies.
ICMCD Instrument
Original Author: Stanley Ling

Stanley Ling is the field application engineer for Imager sensor devices at Teradyne, where he is responsible for marketing and product requirements for the IP750 tester. Prior to Teradyne, Stanley was the Customer Support Engineer for semiconductor production equipment. He holds a Bachelor of Electronic and Computer Engineering from National Taiwan University of Science and Technology.

ICMCD (Image Capture MIPI C-PHY D-PHY) is a new image capture instrument for the CIS tester(IP750ex and ip750exhd). Conventional ICMD could capture MIPI D-PHY up to 1.5G bps, but by using ICMCD, D-PHY can be captured up to 4.5G bps, C-PHY can be captured up to 3.5G sps, and simultaneous capture of C-PHY and D-PHY combo devices is also possible. In addition, the maximum capture angle has been changed to 1G pixels. By using these functions, the diversity of supported devices has further evolved. In this presentation, I will introduce the specifications of ICMCD, the difference in hardware features depending on the docking method, software-related features, and comparison with conventional instruments. Finally, I will briefly explain how to program it. We hope that this instrument can provide you with a better solution in the future to enable testing of new products and reduce the time and cost required for testing.
MIPI D-PHY Testing by Direct Capture Using DSSC Digital Capture with UltraPin2200 on the UltraFLEXplus
Original Author: Sayyed Tabib

Sayyed Tabib is the application engineer for RF and high-speed digital (HSD) testing at Teradyne, where he is responsible for developing customer test solutions in RF/HSD for the UltraFLEX and UltraFLEXplus platfroms. Prior to Teradyne, Sayyed was the field application engineer for RF front-end devices at Murata Manufacturing Co. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering from the University of California, Davis.

Co-Author: Hiroyuki Komatsuzaki

Hiroyuki Komatsuzaki is the senior application engineer for solution engineering group at Teradyne, where he is responsible for application development for J750/UltraFLEX/UltraFLEXplus testers. Prior to Teradyne, Hiroyuki was conducting semiconductor testing at Nippon Steel Semiconductor. He holds a bachelor's degree in physics from Kyoto Sangyo University.

MIPI D-PHY is a flexible, low-cost, High-Speed serial interface solution for communication interconnection between components inside a mobile device(1). MIPI capturing on ATE systems is historically done using MIPI receiver circuitry (or "BOST" solution) on a device interface board (DIB). While such a solution can parse the data and provide the payload directly, the data captured by these receivers is usually sent to the tester using much lower-speed interfaces such as SPI or I2C, meaning increased overall test times as compared to a direct capture. Moreover, Digital Signal Processing (DSP) is still required to extract the desired info from the payload. By leveraging the Digital Capture (DigCap) function in UltraPin2200’s Digital Signal Source/Capture (DSSC), in conjunction with its Source Synchronous functionality, it is possible to capture MIPI D-PHY payload data directly up to 1.6Gbps per data lane for dynamic, and 2.2Gbps per lane for static data. DSP can then be used to extract the payload data and perform any required operation to extract the desired info in one go, providing a faster, more efficient test, with reduced DIB cost and complexity. In this presentation, I will explain the requirements, including DIB signaling, and provide a step-by-step guide on how to implement a MIPI D-PHY direct capture solution on the UltraFLEXplus. (1) MIPI Alliance, Inc., “Specification for D-PHY SM”, ver. 3.5, 29 March 2023.

Hot Topics

Using Machine Learning to Detect Patterns on Wafermaps
Original Author: Andres Pineda

Andres Pineda is a factory applications engineer for the power discrete unit at Teradyne, where he is responsible for design analog and digital interfaces to implement switching, filtering, signal conversion, and other functions. Prior to Teradyne, Andres was a schematic and layout designer at Intel. He holds a bachelor degree in electronic engineering from Tecnologico of Costa Rica, he also holds a master degree on business administration from the ENAE and a master degree in Project Management from the Tecnologico de Costa Rica.

Integration circuit (IC) fabrication is very complicated, as many manufacturing steps have to be executed on the same wafer. All fabrication steps are subject to errors, wafer defect patterns are the results of various problems in the fabrication and wafer test process. Thus, the wafer map defect patterns can be used to identify sources of errors in the manufacturing process. Recently, local defect pattern recognition has attracted a lot of research interests. The results of wafer test are usually presented in a wafer map, which gives locations of failed dies in a wafer. There is plenty information of Machine learning and wafer map recognition patterns on published research, the idea of this paper and project is to use this information as leverage to create a pattern recognition system for Teradyne tool MST, that will detect patterns automatically when running production on the clients' sites. This will give added value to our services and will help our clients to recognize manufacturing issues quickly.
Improving Test Code Quality Using IG-XL .NET
Original Author: Steve Shirk

Steve Shirk is the product owner of .NET Development in IG-XL, where he is responsible for defining the product requirements. Previously at Teradyne, he has worked in the Systems Engineering, Core Software, and Applications groups. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Computer Systems Engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.

Using capabilities that exist in the .NET Framework, as well as additional functionality provided with IG-XL, users have the ability to improve the test coverage they are able to achieve in their test libraries, as well as measure the coverage. A mocking framework is provided that enables users to test code without IG-XL even installed. This enables testing paths through the code where it is easiest and fastest to test the code. The next stage of testing is to test the library code integrated with IG-XL, with the new response DB capability. Users can ensure that their library code behaves as expected, based on specified tester responses. Finally, test program flows and binning can be tested with the response DB to ensure the quality of the production test program flows.
Convert2ETS800: The Fast Way of Converting from ETS-364 to ETS-800
Original Author: Massimo Zambusi

Massimo Zambusi is a factory applications Engineer at Teradyne, where he is responsible for Productivity Tools and Field support on Flex and ETS-800 platforms. Prior to this role, Massimo was the Automotive Expert Community Leader and Field Applications Engineer. He holds a degree in Electronics Engineering from Politecnico di Milano - Italy.

Co-Author: Alice Hu

Alice Hu is the factory application engineer for productivity tools developing at Teradyne, where she is responsible for developing various productivity tools for the UltraFLEX or Eagle testers. She holds a degree in Master from Harbin Institute of Technology.

ETS-364 is a top runner platform at many customers for decades. ETS-800 is the high site count evolution, which offers a tremendous boost in throughput and Cost Of Test. Despite the two platforms having similar instrumentation, the multisite solution on ETS-800 is seldom a copy of the ETS-364 test concept, as the native ETS-800 resources and APEx are the key enablers. Porting applications to ETS-800 requires converting the Visual Studio project from VS2005 to a modern version, the EV project into EV-MST, the project structure into ETS-800 syntax. This also requires the user to map legacy resources to new ones (like UPD-64); APEx and DIB HW connections need to be considered when updating the code. The user will want to convert the analog resource patterns (AWG) into the new resource syntax. The digital vector EVD has to be converted into eDST WKBK, and all the timings and levels context have to be properly translated and merged into eDST profiles. The Teradyne Convert2ETS800 Productivity Tool makes all this easy and fast! Convert2ETS800 = Ease of Use + Time To Market.
The Benefit of Using Design Patterns for C# Programming in IG-XL
Original Author: Blake Wang

Blake Wang is the field application engineer for test program development at Teradyne, where he is responsible for C# transition and development of RF projects for the UltraFLEX/UltraFLEXplus tester. Prior to Teradyne, Blake was the software engineer at Foxconn Technology Group. He holds a Master of Science in computer science from National Taiwan University of Science and Technology.

Before IG-XL 10.40, VBA is more of a scripting tool in IG-XL for test program development. As the test codes are growing larger, those Legacy Codes are hard to maintain or may become unreadable. It may take hard work to add a brand-new test code or refactor the whole test program. C# is now the new supporting language in IG-XL test program development after IGXL 10.40.10. Compared with VBA, C# is a powerful and versatile object-oriented programming language that has become an essential tool for software development on .NET platform, so we can use the features (inheritance, overriding, overloading…etc.) of OO programming in IG-XL test program development to let test codes more readable and structured. Design Pattern is another tool that is used to solve the problems of Object Generation and Integration when moving to object-oriented programming. In this paper, we will introduce some Design patterns that can be used in IG-XL test program development. Singleton Pattern could solve the object generation problem and reduce unnecessary memory usage. Adapted Pattern simplified the structure of each Test Method in IG-XL. The Factory Pattern the complex test items or large data to be more organized. The implementation of Design Pattern might let IG-XL program develop more efficiently and developing.
Introduction to AI Chip Testing Solution Based on UltraFLEXplus
Original Author: Vincent Zhang

Vincent Zhang is the field applications team leader for SOC/Analog/RF devices at Teradyne, where he is responsible for provide different application solutions on UltraFLEXplus/UltraFLEX/J750 platform for China local emerging customers. Prior to Teradyne, Vincent was responsible for HW calibration/verification solution at Litepoint. He holds a Master degree of Electronics & Communications from ZheJiang University.

Co-Author: Troy Zhang, Nancy-Na Chen & Yuxin Song

Troy Zhang is a factory application engineer for digital and software tools group at Teradyne, where he is responsible for high-speed digital test solution development and supporting Asia Design-Ins. Prior to this role, Troy was the field application engineer at SEG China. He holds a Master of Science degree in Precision Instrument Engineering from Shanghai Jiao-Tong University. Nancy-Na Chen is Field application engineer at Teradyne, has been worked at Teradyne for 15 years. has good eKnowledge with J750, UltraFLEX and UltraFLEXplus. She holds a bachelor's degree in Electronic Information Engineering from Anhui University.

With the rapid development of artificial intelligence technology, AI chips have become the core hardware driving progress in this field. However, accurately assessing the performance of AI chips and implementing efficient grading is a key issue faced by current ATE testing. This article aims to introduce an AI chip testing solution based on the UltraFLEXplus (UFP) platform, discussing its application in functional implementation, Partial Good grading strategy, and thermal management. Firstly, the article will briefly introduce the universal testing solutions for CPU/GPU/AI chips implemented on the UFP testing platform, including traditional Process-Voltage-Temperature (PVT) analysis, Physical Layer testing (PHY), Scan testing (SCAN), and Memory Repair (MR). Subsequently, considering the grading requirements of AI chips that necessitate a comprehensive consideration of computing speed, memory bandwidth, power consumption, application scenarios, scalability, and other specific functions, this article will focus on introducing a multi-site, systematic testing and grading method based on UFP. A demo program will illustrate the process of Partial Good grading to readers. Lastly, in view of the high current issues that AI chips may encounter during testing, the final part of this article will explore the design of thermal management and current monitoring schemes. This includes over-temperature protection mechanisms, simultaneous profiling functions for voltage & current, and the design of current monitoring circuits for core power supplies. In summary, the AI chip testing solution based on UFP proposed in this article enhances testing efficiency and accuracy. The discussions on thermal management and current monitoring provide strong support to ensure reliability and stability during the ATE process.
AI at the Edge: Lessons Learned and Best Practiced (PhD not required) on the UltraEdge2000
Original Author: Keith Lucy

Keith Lucy has been with Teradyne since 1998 and has mixed signal and high speed digital experience on numerous testers from the A567 to the UltraFLEXplus. He was part of the applications development team that was responsible for the initial bring up of the UltraFLEX platform. Prior to Teradyne, he spent 11 years with Raytheon after graduating From Norwich University in 1986 with a BS in EE. He is currently based in North Reading where he splits his time between the Field Support team in San Diego and the Strategic Applications / Software Solutions group in North Reading.

At the core of Teradyne’s Analytic Management Platform (AMP) is the UltraEdge2000 server, capable of executing Machine Learning models during device test. When moving any software solution from development to production deployment, real world possibilities must be considered. This paper will discuss lessons learned and best practices to be followed when developing and deploying machine learning models on UltraEdge2000 from an IG-XL test program. Topics to be covered include – Deployment methods - Docker or XAR, which is best and when? Communication methods – Sockets or FIFOs? Adapting to testers that do not have UltraEdge hardware or libraries Best practices for server applications developers.
Best Practice for DevOps (Oasis and IG-Correlate) Used in Actual Project
Original Author: Ze Chen

Ze Chen is the factory application engineer for software developing at Teradyne, where he is responsible for developing various software tools for UltraFLEX or Eagle testers. He holds a Bachelor of Integrated Circuit Design and Integrated System from ShanDong University.

This presentation shares use cases of Teradyne DevOps in actual project development, highlighting the use of DevOps to automate manual tasks and enhance the quality and efficiency of the project development process. This project utilizes Teradyne's self-developed DevOps process (DevOpsForTest), which integrates IG-Review, IG-Data, and IG-Correlate to offer solutions to customers. First, the rules of IG-Review are customized based on the customer's inspection specifications, and each rule is graded to assist test engineers in quickly identifying and resolving issues. Furthermore, the TestInsight tool is used to batch convert patterns and merge timings, while IG-Data automatically generates DFT test items. This eliminates the need for complex manual operations, significantly reducing human errors and improving development efficiency. Lastly, IG-Correlate is executed automatically through DevOps to generate customized reports and collect execution results for integrated analysis. This enables test engineers to gain deeper insights into the test results across test runs, instruments, and even platforms. It also provides a solution for achieving site-to-site correlation and lot-to-lot correlation.
UltraEdge2000 – AI at the Edge – Multisite implementation and considerations (PhD still not required)
Original Author: Keith Lucy

Keith Lucy has been with Teradyne since 1998 and has mixed signal and high speed digital experience on numerous testers from the A567 to the UltraFLEXplus. He was part of the applications development team that was responsible for the initial bring up of the UltraFLEX platform. Prior to Teradyne, he spent 11 years with Raytheon after graduating From Norwich University in 1986 with a BS in EE. He is currently based in North Reading where he splits his time between the Field Support team in San Diego and the Strategic Applications / Software Solutions group in North Reading.

At the core of Teradyne’s Analytic Management Platform (AMP) is the UltraEdge2000 server, capable of executing Machine Learning models during device test. A key component to this solution is a transparent multisite use model that matches IG-XL to make it seamlessly integrated into IG-XL. This paper will discuss the multisite implementation of the UltraEdge instrument and best practices to be followed when developing and deploying machine learning models on UltraEdge2000 from an IG-XL test program.
Improving the efficiency of device test development using software tools
Original Author: Rena Mitsugi

Rena Mitsugi is a Field Application Engineer for Image Sensor Devices at Teradyne, where she is responsible for test program development. She holds a degree in Information, Communication, and Electronic Engineering from the National Institute of Technology, Kumamoto College.

In recent years, the complexity of devices being tested has increased significantly. This complexity has become a challenge for developers. Engineers now need more time to develop tests than before. The key to solving this challenge is to optimize the development process and improve efficiency. In my presentation, I will propose a solution that utilizes software tools such as OASIS, MyInfo Copilot, and TRV. These tools provide a way to efficiently proceed with development tasks. By adopting them, customers can shorten time to market and reduce the burden on engineers. For example, MyInfo Copilot is easy to use because engineers can ask questions in their local language, saving time reading extensive help files. In addition, the Oasis tool IG-Link allows engineers to manage programs more modularly. This also allows debugging by multiple people, and by linking with the version control tool (Git), engineers can easily control versions. In addition, Oasis has a wide range of support tools. In addition, IG-XL currently supports programs in .NET. By utilizing third-party tools such as GitHub Copilot in the development environment Visual Studio, engineers can not only improve the quality of their code and save time, but also get new ideas from GitHub Copilot. TRV is a tool that allows users to observe program behavior in real time, eliminating the need to analyze STDF files and allowing users to analyze debug data on the fly. In conclusion, the Teradyne software presented here provides solutions that can reduce engineers' workload. We hope that this presentation will interest customers in these valuable tools and encourage them to adopt them.
Defect Wafer Map Detection
Original Author: Katie Monroe

Katie Monroe is a Machine Learning Engineer for the AI Team at Teradyne, where she is responsible for developing machine learning models and data science algorithms. She holds a Master of Science in Statistics from the University of Virginia.

Co-Author: Jin Yu

Jin Yu is the head of machine learning for semiconductor test division at Teradyne, where Jin is responsible for leading machine learning initiatives to enhance testing processes, product performance, and internal productivity. In the meanwhile Jin is also a part-time faculty at Khoury College of Computer Sciences, Northeastern University. Prior to Teradyne, Jin was the director of machine learning at Sigify/Philips Research. Jin holds a PhD degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Stevens Institute of Technology.

Abstract for Defect wafer map detection: Wafer testing is an important step in judging the quality of chips on wafers and plays a crucial role in yield assessment. After wafer testing, the judge information for each chip on one wafer will form a wafer map where 0 denotes out of wafer, 1 denotes PASS and 2 denotes FAIL. The defect patterns on wafer maps are often induced by some issues in the manufacturing process and some patterns keep recurring during the process. Defect wafer map detection aims to detect the wafers with special defect patterns for root cause analysis, which is useful for yield optimization. This work used multiple machine learning strategies. We firstly used a pre-trained model called DINOv2 to convert raw wafer images into image embeddings. Then, using those embeddings, we trained models such as Neural Networks, XGBoost, and LightGBM among which LightGBM reached the best performance. After checking the incorrect predictions, we performed label enhancement on some wrongly labeled wafer maps, leading to a 2% increase in model accuracy. Moreover, we added some symbolic features like yield rate, coordinates of failed mass center and the normalized distance between failed mass center and wafer center onto embeddings for training, which resulted in another 2% increase in model accuracy. Additionally, after looking into the Renesas data, we are working towards redefining some wafer defect patterns for specific products based on their own special defect root cause. Our defect wafer map detector may be used to help process engineers make decisions during the wafer testing process. Keywords – wafer defect map, AI for test, classification, Symbolic AI
Taking Advantage of Teradyne’s Analytic Management Platform for Adaptive Test Strategies
Original Author: Akanksha Wadhwa

Akanksha Wadhwa is a Software Engineer working on Data Analytics Solutions at Teradyne, where she is helping design and implement the new Archimedes Analytics Management Platform. She holds a Bachelor of Science in computer engineering and robotics from the University of Massachusetts, Lowell.

Semiconductor manufacturers seek adaptive test strategies to optimize their test efficiency. To provide adaptive test solutions, test engineers need to link data from the test cell to custom AI/Machine Learning models that can provide a dynamic response to alter the test program execution. Using Teradyne's recently introduced Analytic Management Platform (AMP), this presentation will demonstrate how test engineers can readily create portable customizable solutions that leverage their AI model's knowledge to alter IG-XL test program execution without requiring persistent job changes. We will compare two categories of adaptive changes: changes that can be requested asynchronously, such as disabling tests, and changes that require being done synchronously immediately after a touchdown, such as a rebin operation. A walk-through of a customized rebin solution for IG-XL using the UltraEdge will be covered during the presentation. This presentation will highlight how AMP and its SDK can easily support integration with a wide range of AI and Machine Learning models, enhancing the test engineer’s capability to harness the power of their test data to make real-time decisions that can improve overall test outcomes.
Connect your UltraFLEX to a Universal Robot
Original Author: Christine Soh

Christine Soh is a factory applications engineer for production integration at Teradyne, Singapore, where she is responsible for developing custom software such of user interfaces and drivers with IG-XL and ETS for production support. She holds a Bachelor of Engineering from the Singapore University of Technology and Design.

With the Industrial 4.0 movement, we see more and more advanced digital technologies being produced, and more and more integration of such intelligent technologies into manufacturing and industrial processes today. In 2023, there was an opportunity to explore a project in the areas of Robotics and Automation for a customer. In collaboration with an engineering team from Universal Robots (UR), we (the Strategic Software - Production Integration Team) have prototyped a tailor-made solution for a use case envisioned by the customer. Through this work of integrating UltraFLEX IG-XL with the UR5e program, we were able to able to direct and control the UR cobot from the IG-XL system – automating the processes of picking, placing, testing, and sorting of devices. As you can imagine before, how hand test would go is have an engineer use a pop-sucker to go pick up a chip from a tray, move it to the test head of the tester, secure it in place, then move to the tester desktop to hit run to start testing. And once it is done, the engineer would have to go to the test head, disengage the lid, use the pop-sucker to pick up the chip and bring it over to an output tray. But now with this solution prototyped, everything is handled by the UltraFLEX tester and the UR. From input tray to a pre-aligner, to the test head. And once testing is done, the robot will pick up the chip from the test head and send it to the designated output tray based on bin results. The aim of this paper is to introduce the work of the integration effort and spread knowledge about it in hopes that this would serve as a springboard to other integrative applications between Teradyne products in the future and potentially create new businesses to offer customer efficiency through automation between Teradyne's products.
Accelerating AI Innovation through Strategic Academic-Industry Collaboration
Original Author: Jin Yu

Jin Yu is the head of machine learning for semiconductor test division at Teradyne, where Jin is responsible for leading machine learning initiatives to enhance testing processes, product performance, and internal productivity. In the meanwhile Jin is also a part-time faculty at Khoury College of Computer Sciences, Northeastern University. Prior to Teradyne, Jin was the director of machine learning at Sigify/Philips Research. Jin holds a PhD degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Stevens Institute of Technology.

Co-Author: Andy Kittross, Ingo Wahl, Katie Monroe & Scott Diniz

Andy Kittross is a Software Architect focusing on generative AI applications. Prior to this focus, he worked on many IG-XL features, especially DSP. He holds a master's degree in computer engineering from Boston University and a bachelor's in Electrical Engineering from Trinity College, Hartford, CT. Ingo Wahl is a senior factory applications engineer for the precision power analog group at Teradyne, where he is responsible for defining requirements and solutions for new products on Teradyne test platforms. Prior to Teradyne, Ingo was a test engineer at Infineon Technologies. He holds a Master of Science in electrical engineering from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. Katie Monroe is a Machine Learning Engineer for the AI Team at Teradyne, where she is responsible for developing machine learning models and data science algorithms. She holds a Master of Science in Statistics from the University of Virginia. Scott Diniz is an engineering director within the semiconductor test division at Teradyne, where he is responsible for AI initiatives and other strategic customer work. He has been at Teradyne for 10 years. Scott holds degrees from UMass Lowell including Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering, Masters of Science in Computer Engineering, and Masters of Business Administration.

The advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies demands a collaborative approach that leverages the strengths of both academia and industry. Strategic partnerships between leading technology firms and prominent academic institutions have proven essential in pushing the boundaries of AI research, adoption, and ethical implementation. Examples from industry giants such as Meta, Google, etc. highlight the substantial benefits and unique importance of these collaborations. Meta collaborates with Stanford on AI ethics, natural language processing and pioneering responsible AI technologies, while Google partners with UC Berkeley to optimize machine learning algorithms and develop scalable AI solutions. For example, Stanford's Human-Centered AI (HAI) initiative has been key in incorporating ethical design and human-centered thinking into AI development, ensuring technologies are responsibly developed and aligned with human values. These collaborations combine academic research's theoretical depth with industry's practical applications, accelerating AI innovation and ensuring real-world applicability, scalable solution, and ethical considerations. Our collaboration with Northeastern University specifically moves forward the frontiers of AI innovation in semiconductor testing areas like Device Interface Board (DIB) design optimization, explainable AI for robust testing, and AI agents for software/test engineering. Using DIB design as an example, we will develop a domain-specific compilation flow for testing resource allocation. This will analytically express the constraints of instrument and channel assignment. We will create training datasets and use reinforcement learning to optimize the resource allocation for the initial Big Analog device under test. Preliminary results and productivity improvements with the AI-driven optimization flow will be demonstrated.
Creating Your First DSSC Parking Loop: Step-by-Step Instructions
Original Author: Andy Westall

Andy Westall is an FAE for NW SEG at Teradyne, where he is responsible for ETS-800, 88 and 364 product support. Prior to Teradyne, Andy was a Test Engineer at Texas Instruments (legacy National Semiconductor). He holds a BSEE with a minor in Physics from the University of Washington in Seattle.

Co-Author: Thomas Pham

Thomas Pham is a field application engineer for the Solutions Engineering Group at Teradyne, where he is responsible for creating test hardware and software for production testing. Prior to Teradyne, Thomas was a test engineer at Texas Instruments. He holds a Master of Science in electrical engineering from Santa Clara University.

Although there are a several TUG papers about the DSSC on the ETS-800 and a few that use and/or analyze parking loops, there is no Step-by-Step paper on how to make a parking loop from scratch. The result of this lack of training is that I have seen several test programs for large, 90+ pin chips which are paying upwards of several seconds of test time. In this presentation we will cover the following topics: First, we will introduce all aspects of the DSSC coding that need to be placed in the .cpp file. Then, we will introduce all aspects of the various instructions and lines in the eDST vector file. Next, we will show how to implement a DSSC parking loop for both an I2C and a SPI. Lastly, we will review the test time benefits for both protocols as compared with vec write commands. We will explain the differences between the START, STOP, CONTINUE and START_AND_STOP engines. Then we will look at how to set up a user created functions to correctly parse address, data and R/W information. Next, in the section concerning the necessary components of the eDST file, we will look specifically at how to set up the pattern and waveform sheets. Then, we will discuss how to implement the parking loop properly using the C1 and C2 cpp flags. Finally, in the last two sections, two parking loop examples (one for I2C and one for SPI) will be considered. While reviewing these examples the test time improvements of the DSSC will be highlighted. In addition to providing step-by-step instructions for creating your first parking loop, this paper will also provide optimized working code for both I2C and SPI DSSC parking loops. Many customers should be able to leverage these coding examples directly for their needs depending on the specifics of how their chips implement these protocols.
Weaving the RUG: A Structured, Test Specification Driven Process to Create ETS-800 DIB Concept Block Diagrams
Original Author: Ingo Wahl

Ingo Wahl is a senior factory applications engineer for the precision power analog group at Teradyne, where he is responsible for defining requirements and solutions for new products on Teradyne test platforms. Prior to Teradyne, Ingo was a test engineer at Infineon Technologies. He holds a Master of Science in electrical engineering from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology.

On any tester platform, most production test programs require resource sharing for the best cost-of-test. To improve test economics, a higher site count is desired, which demands more instruments in the test head, unless resource sharing is applied to better utilize the existing configuration. However, thorough resource utilization planning is mandatory to avoid making mistakes when developing the test concept block diagram. With medium to high pin count devices, this can become a tedious and time-consuming task, especially when using many sharing elements like multiplexers, matrices and relays. To keep the overview about which resource is required on which device pin at what point in time, a bulletproof method is required to identify the sharing opportunities while preventing resource conflicts. This presentation outlines a simple step-by-step process starting from test specification to an optimized solution using a table called Resource Utilization Grid (a.k.a. the RUG) to balance resource usage and instrument sharing along the test flow to achieve highest site counts on the ETS-800 utilizing its innovative APEx architecture.
Lessons Learned while integrating Oasis, Igxl, Visual Studio, Git, and GitHub
Original Author: James Hannah

James Hannah is the Field Application Engineer for SEG at Teradyne, where he is responsible for supporting customers and teaching classes at the Chandler Training Center. Prior to Teradyne, James has served as an RF Test Engineer for companies such as AT&T, Texas Instruments, and IBM. In addition to these global enterprises, James has also served in key roles in various startup ventures, and he has run his own consulting firm. James holds Bachelor of Industrial Technology from Southern Illinois University and a Bachelor of Professional Management with a Specialty in Business from Nova Southeastern University.

Until recently, the UltraFLEX family of ATE consisted of one platform and one programming language. With the introduction of the UltraFLEXplus, measurements and measurement library code should ideally support multiple platforms. In addition, coincident with the rollout of another platform, the addition of .NET programming introduces two more programming languages, thereby creating a 2x3 matrix of use cases for ATE Test Engineers to learn and support. This matrix imposes a requirement for modular test program development. Further, when these technologies are coupled with a change to a Distributed Version Control System (Git) as well as Productivity Tools (Oasis), a new workflow is needed to support daily test development activities. This paper shares lessons learned while integrating Oasis, Igxl, Visual Studio, Git, and GitHub into a productive workflow for test program development.
Anatomy of a C# Test Method
Original Author: James Hannah

James Hannah is the Field Application Engineer for SEG at Teradyne, where he is responsible for supporting customers and teaching classes at the Chandler Training Center. Prior to Teradyne, James has served as an RF Test Engineer for companies such as AT&T, Texas Instruments, and IBM. In addition to these global enterprises, James has also served in key roles in various startup ventures, and he has run his own consulting firm. James holds Bachelor of Industrial Technology from Southern Illinois University and a Bachelor of Professional Management with a Specialty in Business from Nova Southeastern University.

While transitioning to writing IG-XL test programs in .NET, specifically in C#, the move from procedural programming to object-oriented programming is taking place. A major part of this transition is consideration of this question, “What is a Test Method?” This paper dissects the traditional monolithic test method and transforms it into a composition of smaller methods. There exists multiple drivers for this architectural transition. The first of which is to leverage object-oriented programming techniques made available in .NET and C#. Next, the need for fully vetted reuse libraries is driving more generic solutions, as well as Unit Testing. However, not every piece of the test method content should be part of the reuse library. Instead, some pieces should exist in the device-level code so that is can be customized by each team and even each Product Engineer. So, we will consider the components of a test method and access what content needs to be library code and what content needs to be carved out of the library, effectively splitting the traditional test method into smaller parts that don’t all live in the same place. This architectural shift optimizes both reuse and flexibility.
Efficient Awg Pattern creation using SupportCodes MFLApp RampsLoader
Original Author: Shu-Wei Ting

Shu-Wei, TING is the Technologist for Eagle Test Systems Applications at Teradyne, where he is responsible for test developments and applications on Eagle Test Systems testers. Prior to this role, he was the Applications Engineer at Eagle Test Systems. He holds a degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from Curtin University of Technology, Western Australia.

This paper introduces a convenient, code-based option for loading Arbitrary Waveform Generator (AWG) patterns using the SupportCodes MFLApp RampsLoader. Traditionally, the ATE (Automated Test Equipment) AWG Pattern Editor has been the standard tool for creating AWGs. However, when more than 10 AWGs are required for a test application, the default ATE AWG Pattern Editor becomes cumbersome, tedious, and slow, complicating the preparation process. Collaborative efforts among multiple engineers often lead to AWG file conflicts, resulting in file corruption and significant time loss due to recompilation, even for minor changes. Frequent addition and modification of AWGs are integral to the development and debugging process. This presentation will detail the use of the SupportCodes MFLApp RampsLoader, including code examples to create 16x Battery Management System (BMS) cell voltages with AWGs and actual scope captures. The potential applications for the SupportCodes MFLApp RampsLoader are vast and limited only by one’s imagination. Additionally, the implementation of SupportCodes MFLApp RampsLoader enhances workflow efficiency by providing a streamlined and automated method for AWG pattern creation and management. This not only reduces the likelihood of human error but also significantly cuts down on development time. The capability to seamlessly integrate this loader into existing testing frameworks ensures minimal disruption while maximizing productivity. By leveraging this tool, engineering teams can focus more on innovative problem-solving and less on the mechanical aspects of AWG pattern generation.
MyInfo Copilot: Elevating Information Retrieval
Original Author: Nathan McCrory

Nathan McCrory is a Factory Applications Manager based in Plano, TX.  He graduated from Texas A&M University in 2007; started working at Teradyne as a Field Applications Engineer supporting Texas Instruments; developed test solutions for a variety of products in the MCU, BMS, automotive, and computing space; and actively participates in AI and productivity tool development to improve our user's experience, efficiency, and capability.

Co-Author: Andy Kittross

Andy Kittross is a Software Architect focusing on generative AI applications. Prior to this focus, he worked on many IG-XL features, especially DSP. He holds a master's degree in computer engineering from Boston University and a bachelor's in Electrical Engineering from Trinity College, Hartford, CT.

MyInfo Copilot aims to elevate how test engineers interact with key pieces of information to improve their efficiency with Teradyne products. This presentation is to provide users with a snapshot of the existing capability, recap the methodology used for providing the LLM with contextually relevant information, discuss ways that Teradyne has prioritized IP protection, review how quality is optimized, and cover the benefits for why each of these design decisions were chosen. As of today, MyInfo Copilot comprehends information about UltraFLEXplus, UltraFLEX, ETS-800, and ETS-88 Family of test platforms, it’s capable of providing users with productivity tool identification when applicable, and able to reference TUGx presentations and test techniques to provide users with feedback from user-based expertise.
Setup, Implementation, and Benefits of the RCM (Remote Connectivity Matrix)
Original Author: Daniel Gray

Daniel Gray is a Field Applications Engineer supporting Eagle platforms at Teradyne, where he is responsible for providing applications support on new and existing solutions. Prior to this role, Daniel has experience as a Factory Applications Engineer and Field Product Specialist at Teradyne. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering from the University of New Hampshire.

As time goes on, the complexity of devices continues to increase, while engineering teams are pressured to develop test solutions as fast as possible. Teradyne developed the Remote Connectivity Matrix (RCM) to support test engineering teams meet these demands by reducing time to market. When scattered geographic locations can limit the productivity of test engineering resources, having a way to increase the amount of productive remote debugging is essential to meet the needs of an evolving global industry. The RCM enables global teams to increase their productivity, and when used in concert with other tools, can reduce the effort needed to arrive at a quality test solution. While the ETS-800 already provides four sectors’ worth of debugging potential by separating a single engineering tester into four independent debugging stations, adding the RCM and oscilloscopes (and appropriate DIB design) to this setup can aid geographically diverse teams in developing a test solution fast and reliably, by eliminating most of the need for manual probing. This paper demonstrates the implementation and benefits of using the RCM in an engineering environment in a recent test development project.
IG-Correlate and STDFStats Toolset Feature Updates
Original Author: Daniel Benjamin

Daniel Benjamin is the factory applications lead for IG-Correlate at Teradyne, where he is responsible for maintaining and coordinating improvements for the IG-Correlate Toolset. Prior to this role, Daniel was a test development engineering coop at Teradyne. He holds a bachelor's degree in computer engineering from University of Massachusetts Lowell.

Co-Author: Zoe Gui & Tracy Jia

Zoe Gui is the factory applications engineer at Teradyne, where she is responsible for software development for J750, UltraFlex and UltraFLEXplus tester. She holds a bachelor's degree in computer science and technology from Anhui Jianzhu University. Tracy Jia is the factory application engineer for software developing at Teradyne, where she is responsible for developing various software tools for UltraFLEX or Eagle testers. She holds a Bachelor of Engineering in software engineering from Xidian University.

In 2024, IG-Correlate was introduced as a tool that can be used to provide insight into pre-correlation data. User feedback has driven enhancements in data readability, visibility, accessibility, and support for additional pre-correlation analysis use cases, as well as performance improvements. These updates have shifted IG-Correlate to better align with user expertise and usability expectations. Such can be seen in core features like the Readiness History Comparison, the Quick Stats panel, and the Measured Data plots, where the accessibility and representation of data has been adjusted and improved. New functionality such as Multiple Datasets and Target Sets give the user more control over the assessment of their data. Since it's introduction, IG-Correlate has continued to improve the Test Engineering pre-correlation experience by enabling users to focus on and evaluate key problem areas. Through the simplification of that assessment process, Test Engineers can more efficiently investigate, improve, and resolve unstable tests.
Support Multiple Test Platforms via Tester Abstraction Layers
Original Author: Scott Bielski

Scott Bielski is a software engineer on the PortBridge team at Teradyne, where he is responsible for strategic design in solutions. Prior to this role, Scott worked on the DC software team at Teradyne. He holds a bachelor's degree in computer and electrical engineering from Northeastern University.

Co-Author: Richard Fanning

Richard Fanning is the software architect for the PortBridge project at Teradyne, where he is responsible for developing the software, marketing the product and determining the product roadmap. Prior to working on PortBridge, he worked on numerous products for the FLEX, UltraFLEX and UltraFLEXplus platforms. He holds a degree in Computer Science from Harvey Mudd College.

The Tester Abstraction Layer (TAL) is a novel approach to ATE test design that provides a platform-agnostic and extensible Application Programming Interface (API) in order to simplify test development. TAL is designed to abstract away the complexities and idiosyncrasies of individual testing platforms and provide a unified, easy-to-use API for test development. This abstraction layer allows test program developers to write tests once and run them on multiple platforms without any modifications. TAL acts as a bridge between test program logic and the underlying testing platforms, encapsulating differences between the platforms and translating generic test commands into platform-specific instructions. TAL additionally allows for test portability. Since TAL provides a platform-agnostic API, tests written for one platform can be easily ported to another platform. This can be particularly useful with multi-tiered test strategies, where common test logic needs to be executed on multiple platforms, such as ATE and SLT, to ensure test completeness. This document will describe the design principles, benefits, and applications of TAL, namely siting the Tester API project.
DesignLink: Streamling Test Pattern Deployment with Automated Solutions
Original Author: Richard Fanning

Richard Fanning is the software architect for the PortBridge project at Teradyne, where he is responsible for developing the software, marketing the product and determining the product roadmap. Prior to working on PortBridge, he worked on numerous products for the FLEX, UltraFLEX and UltraFLEXplus platforms. He holds a degree in Computer Science from Harvey Mudd College.

Design engineers generate test patterns that are typically handed off to test engineers to be incorporated into an integrated test program. As test program size, chip complexity and the number of patterns needed for complete coverage grows, the cost when these newly introduced patterns fail increases exponentially. This leads to lengthy iterations between designers and test engineers. DesignLink provides a web-portal that allows design engineers to submit patterns for testing into an automated, out of the box solution, that will compile, test and gather full execution results. This provides the test engineering team with confidence in the pattern while also tracking a full status of all the patterns for a particular device which gives team leaders a general overview of the bring up status.
ScanFalcon: A Custom Data Consumer for IG-XL
Original Author: Jens Nagel

Jens Nagel is part of the Factory Applications Group at Teradyne. In the last 8 years, he has been supporting IG-XL based platforms in various applications for the Automotive segment, as well as MST based conversions for the hybrid instrument generation. As time went on, he focused on the development of software tools for test program generation and productivity improvements. Currently, Jens is working on GUI based debug features for the Eagle Test Platform.

In semiconductor testing, accurate and efficient logging of results is crucial. IG-XL offers integrated mechanisms to log results into Standard Test Data Format (STDF) files, ASCII datalogs, or display them in an output window for immediate verification. While these built-in options cater to many standard needs, certain applications require specialized logging solutions tailored to specific customer requirements. To address these needs, IG-XL supports the attachment of custom data consumers. This presentation will delve into the general interface provided by IG-XL for custom data consumers and introduce ScanFalcon, an existing custom data consumer uniquely designed for ScanFailProcessing. ScanFalcon enhances the flexibility of data logging by allowing users to define the output log file using a format definition file and adjust settings through a configuration file. We will explore the key features and benefits of using ScanFalcon, including its adaptability to various logging requirements and its ability to streamline the data verification process. Attendees will gain insights into the implementation and configuration of ScanFalcon, demonstrating how it can be utilized to optimize semiconductor testing workflows.
The Power of the .NET Ecosystem
Original Author: Dan Thornton

Dan Thornton is the lead apps engineer for the .NET Development in IG-XL project. He was lured back into applications (from software engineering) to participate in this important project. In Dan's words, "Great Scott! We're going back to the future!"

The .NET Development in IG-XL feature adds two new programming languages to a Test Engineer's arsenal: VB.NET and C#. But .NET is so much more than its languages -- .NET is an entire ecosystem. I will demonstrate how the multiple facets of the .NET ecosystem can improve a Test Engineer's efficiency, from C# inside Visual Studio, through Oasis, DevOps and your own personal toolkit developed in PowerShell or .NET.

Power Device and Module Testing

Wafer Level Burn In for SiC Power Devices
Original Author: Aseem Srivastava

Aseem Srivastava joined Teradyne in April 2024 as a Strategist for Power Semiconductor. He has nearly 30 years of technical and managerial experience in designing, developing and productizing innovative equipment for front-end chip manufacturing. Previously he has worked at several capital equipment companies such as Applied Materials, Axcelis Technologies and Onto Innovation as a scientist, Engineering manager, and in Strategic Marketing. He earned a PhD degree in Electrical Engineering and holds over a dozen patents, and has authored, or co-authored dozens of peer reviewed publications.

Co-Author: Jeorge Hurtarte

Dr. Jeorge Hurtarte is Senior Director, SoC Product Strategy and Principal Product Strategist, at Teradyne. Jeorge has held various technical, management and executive positions at Teradyne, Lam Research, LitePoint, TranSwitch, Rockwell Semiconductors, and Johnson Controls. He holds PhD and B.S. degrees in electrical engineering, a M.S. in Telecommunications, M.S. in Computer Science, and an M.B.A. He is also a graduate of Harvard Business School's Advanced Management Program for executives. Jeorge has served in the Advisory Board of SEMI North America, the Global Semiconductor Alliance, TUV Rheinland of North America, and the NSF's Wireless Internet Center for Advanced RF Technology. Jeorge is currently the co-chair of the IEEE Heterogeneous Integration Roadmap (HIR) Test Working Group. Dr Hurtarte is also a visiting professor at the University of California, Santa Cruz, and at California State University, Monterey Bay. He is also the lead co-author of the book Understanding Fabless IC Technology.

Between 2022 and 2028, the largest revenue drivers for the Power Semiconductor market will be in EV, Automotive, Industrial Motors and Consumer Electronics. EV (20% CAGR 2022-28) is expected to continue significant growth into the next decade due to environmental and sustainability government initiatives. Morningstar forecasts that EVs will account for about 40% of all vehicles sold worldwide in 2030. One of the key innovations in power semiconductors is the use of wide bandgap (WBG) materials like silicon carbide (SiC). WBG materials have a higher efficiency, can hold off higher voltages, and operate at higher temperatures than the typical silicon (Si) devices. Therefore, an EV using SiC chips in the traction inverter can have 10% longer range (or a 10% smaller battery, therefore lower price) than an EV with Si chips. However, these SiC devices have unique challenges which ultimately lead to a much lower yield, which on a typical SiC device wafer can be as low as 70%, as compared to a typical silicon power device wafer which has a yield of over 95%. It is important to weed out known-bad devices prior to singulation so as to avoid the expensive step of packaging such failed devices. Some lessons learned from 50+ years of Si device production are applied to SiC. One such lesson is the use of wafer-level burn-in to do highly accelerated life tests (HALTs). These tests stress the power device at elevated temperatures with basic DC testing to ensure all failed devices are weeded out. This paper describes the technical reasons for doing WLBI for SiC power devices. We will discuss the significant drawbacks of SiC crystal growth as compared to Si, as well as unique device physics of the SiC MOSFET. We will discuss how WLBI is done, and why we believe that it will be necessary process qualification step for the foreseeable future. Finally, based on the potential growth of SiC market, a model of the total available market (TAM) will be presented.
SiC MOSFET Testing in ETS88Duo DP32 Solution
Original Author: Grace Zhang

Grace Zhang is factory applications for precision power linear at Teradyne, where she is responsible for power discrete applications on ETS88Duo/ETS88TH tester. Prior to this role, Grace was the technical lead in the field team to provide ETS testers application solutions from wafer sort to final test. She holds a Bachelor of Semiconductor in electronic engineering from Southeast University.

Silicon Carbide power devices benefit from the advantages of wide bandgap materials and have the characteristics of high power, high efficiency, and high temperature resistance. They are widely used in various fields of new energy, including photovoltaics, energy storage, charging piles, electric vehicles etc. Compared with silicon power devices, the price of its silicon carbide equivalent is still relatively high, and the reliability also needs to be improved. The cost and yield of SIC MOSFET wafer play an important role for that. Improving the test coverage and efficiency of SIC MOSFET wafer is important and quite challenging due to the characteristics of high voltage and low leakage, to name a few. This paper will introduce the characteristics of SIC MOSFET devices, the challenges of multi-site wafer testing and demonstrate the ETS88Duo DP32 test solutions & result for SIC MOSFET.
Using GreenPAK for Low-cost, Flexible and Fast Failure Prevention Circuit
Original Author: Taishun Sakamoto

Taishun Sakamoto is the field application engineer for automotive devices at Teradyne, where he is responsible for application development. He holds a degree in engineering from Wakayama university.

Co-Author: Hiroyuki Hashita

Hiroyuki Hashita is the SEG team at Teradyne japan, where he is responsible for power discrete devices for ETS family testers now. He had been in the Applications Department for 37 years and have used the A360, A56x, and FLEX.

In recent years, the market size of power discrete devices has been expanding due to the growing demand for EVs. Unclamped Inductive Switching (UIS) testing is a required test for Power MOSFETs, which are typical power discrete devices. UIS testing is required at the wafer, KGD (Known Good Die), and package stages. The UIS test turns on the DUT, stores current in the L load connected in series with the power supply on the drain side, and then turns off the DUT to make the DUT operate in avalanche by the back EMF of the L load and the power supply voltage, and measure the energy during the avalanche period. Since DUTs with low avalanche immunity are destroyed during UIS testing, the measurement circuit requires a protection circuit to prevent circuit component destruction in the event of DUT destruction. This presentation will introduce a low-cost, flexible, and fast failure prevention circuit using GreenPAK. In this method, we can reduce the number of components, time to debug circuit and module size because of using GreenPAK which allow user to easily develop logic circuit on one chip by arranging symbols and parameters on software "Go Configure" provided by Renesas.
ETS-88 & 364: Analog Resource Control via Digital Resource Features (PSQ Pattern Sequencer Signals & Paths)
Original Author: Matt Rearwin

Matt Rearwin is a field applications engineer for Eagle Test Systems at Teradyne, where he is responsible for software development, tester applications support, and customer training. Prior to Teradyne, Matt was a product development engineer at Infineon Technologies. He holds a Master of Business Administration degree from Worcester Polytechnic Institute, and a Bachelor of Science in electrical engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.

Digital pattern control is managed, internally, through pattern sequencer (PSQ) commands. That feature set is clearly denoted and taught to new users. An extension of that command set provides the ability to control analog resources on the ETS-88/364 as well, and this is also referred to with PSQ nomenclature. New users are provided information to be aware that such features are present, but further instruction is not provided. Experienced users sometimes have an empirical subset of knowledge of this feature set, based upon specific examples targeted at specific DUT test needs. This presentation is intended to provide both new and experienced users with an awareness of the full feature set, and approaches to make use of that, for multi-site test solutions development. For analog resource control, a “programmer’s reference model” of the hardware can be provided. This model can be thought of as a switch matrix. Separate steps are undertaken to set up the signal paths, and then to drive signals on these paths. These signals then cause the analog resources to act, with clocking structures commanded from the ETS-88/364 digital pattern board. Many earlier presentations have provided references to what was done with the PSQ hardware, to achieve specific customer DUT-management goals. These reviews are excellent, for situations where another customer seeks to implement similar actions, and when a reference to that earlier presentation is available. This presentation is oriented, instead, towards describing the hardware feature set, from a customer utilization standpoint. This is done, such that both new and experienced users can be aware of what is potentially possible with the tester hardware supporting PSQ operations. The intent is for users to leverage this information and become fully productive in this area. The starting point for these explanations, is the point where the ETS-88/364 training class materials leave off, with the operations of the bidirectional transceiver test device.
BMX Dib Extension for improved BMS test accuracy
Original Author: Daniel Marsh

Daniel Marsh provides support for the Teradyne Eagle testers; specifically the ETS-800 for the past 4 years. He's aided in the continued development of new features including TDR for the HSD-32 and UPD-64, and the new SPU-8112. He strives to provide high quality test techniques for optimal performance.

Co-Author: Brian Foley & Doug Pounds

Brian Foley is a factory applications engineer for the semiconductor test division at Teradyne, where he is responsible technical support of the ETS tester platforms. Prior to Teradyne, Brian was a member of the technical staff at On / Fairchild Semiconductor for 26 years. He holds an Associate’s of Science in electrical engineering from New Hampshire Technical Institute. Doug Pounds is the lead factory applications technologist for the precision linear and power market segment with over 43 years of automatic test experience. Doug has developed dozens of test applications utilizing the Eagle Test Systems platforms. In addition, Doug has also designed the Eagle Test Systems Capacitance Application Module (CAM) and High Voltage Module (HVM), High Power VI Module of which he holds a patent associated with it. Doug has authored dozens test technique presentations. Doug holds a Bachelor of Science in electrical engineering from The University of Massachusetts at Lowell.

Battery Management System (BMS) devices are pushing the boundary of ATE, requiring greater accuracy, higher voltage, and high site counts. The typical approach to testing requires more VI channels than can fit in a tester. DIB application hardware, like a resistor ladder, can help alleviate tester resources and increase site count. Though it has proven helpful, there are challenges with device loading, noise, and drift. Teradyne has developed an application module that addresses these challenges. The Battery Management Extension (BMX) module plays two key roles in BMS applications: 1. High precision floating low noise stacked voltage reference with extremely low thermal drift. 2. Higher density (site count), low-cost test solutions due to resources that are freed up by the BMX Module. In this presentation we will review applications that use the BMX and review best practices for its implementation. We will also review the performance of the BMX in actual applications over time and temperature.
Protocol Testing Solution Based on ETS-88
Original Author: Jeff Du

Jeff Du is the GCS engineer at Teradyne, where he is responsible for supporting TI(China). Prior to Teradyne, Jeff was the test manager at CPS which is a design house at China. He holds a bachelor's degree for electronic engineering.

With the development of consumer electronics, a variety of different charging protocols have emerged, and protocol chips also play an important role in this application. Even in the charging field of automotive electronics, the application of protocol chips is more and more important. On the other side, to minimize costs, some protocol chips also integrated a buck or boost in it. This paper introduces a protocol chip (This chip also integrated a buck) test solution for automotive application and developed based on ETS-88. In this solution, we will introduce how to develop 4site's protocol chip test on ETS-88. We also introduce how to design the DIB, how can we get a better test time. Below are some highlights for this solution: 1. There are some high-resolution ADC in this chip and one LSB is less than 1mV, we can test it directly in ETS88 and we can also verify it with SPU pedestal mode which accuracy is close to a 6-bit voltage meter in lab. 2.We can also get a fast test time with advanced ETS test method such as DSP tool. 3.We can get a very high PTE for 4 site testing with MST shell. 4.Design the DIB to avoid noise and interference.
Partial Discharge Testing, ETS-88 UHV (Ultra High Voltage) Testing
Original Author: Seth Prentice

Seth Prentice is a Factory applications engineer, with primary focus on high power semiconductor test solutions. Since graduation from the University of Maine in 2000, Seth has focused his career within the semiconductor industry holding multiple roles in engineering, marketing, and management. After joining Teradyne in 2017, his focus has been on automotive and consumer power segments. Seth currently holds over 15 patents (solely & congruently) supporting IC solutions within consumer electronics and automotive applications.

The continued growth of electrification of vehicles has driven the need for communication ICs with thousands of volts of isolation. Production level partial discharge testing allows manufacturers to ensure and specify the isolation level as well as the leakage through the isolation barrier. It goes without saying that devices with high isolation and lower inherent charge (pC) have an increased value in the market. To accurately and repeatably test these devices, one needs a solution that can stress these devices to the industry specification and accurately measure the inherent charge. In this TUG paper, we will quickly cover the market and why these devices are required, with focus on electrification of vehicles. At a high level, what systems in a vehicle require this technology and why. Then we will deep dive into the specifications of partial discharge and the current industry standard and the challenges that it created for mass production testing with thousands of volts of specified and guaranteed isolation. We will also cover what values semiconductor manufacturers can benefit from with robust, accurate, and repeatable production test solutions. Finally, wrap up with the latest Teradyne solution and the benefits it can provide to the industry.
Specifying High Current Traces in High Power Board Design
Original Author: Charles Esteves

Charles Esteves is a Factory Applications Engineer for the Power Semi segment at Teradyne where he is responsible for managing and leading a team that makes sure new products meet customer requirements, and that users are successful in implementing solutions on the ETS88 family of products. Prior to his current role, Charles was a Field Applications engineer supporting different customers. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering from St. Louis University in the Philippines.

Designing and specifying traces for PCBs in high power applications testing wide bandgap (WBG) devices has always been a challenge for the design or test engineer, especially for high current traces. This is due to the different methods of determining dimensions of high current traces such as width and cross-section, and the complexity of laying them out, especially if wide traces are needed to handle such high currents. One method available is to calculate the trace width utilizing intrinsic properties such as density, specific-heat, unit heat mass, resistivity, etc, along with desired length and thickness. This method has proven to be very effective, but observed to also come up with widths that are challenging to fit into a PCB, especially with the complexity of DIBs (Device Interface Boards) following an upward trend over the past years. This paper will discuss an alternative standard and its principles applied to high current calculators. This standard is based on actual experiments on PCBs and provides guidance to determine optimal trace widths for high current requirements. This paper will introduce IPC-2152 and how to use the charts provided in the standard. It will then compare three available high current calculators that are based on IPC-2152, and one calculator from a popular component distributor, to provide pros and cons for each.
Challenges of Testing the 6in1 SiC Module for xEV
Original Author: Satoshi Okamura

Satoshi Okamura is the engineer for power discrete device at Teradyne, where he is responsible for device interface board development and debugging for ETS-88TH tester. He holds a degree of electrical engineering from Kumamoto University.

Co-Author: Manabu Honda

Manabu Honda is the application team leader for power discrete devices at Teradyne, where he is responsible for power discrete devices for ETS family testers. He has been working for Teradyne for 26 years after graduating from university. He holds a Bachelor of electrical engineering from Kumamoto University.

In the automotive industry, the introduction of xEV = HEV (Hybrid Electric Vehicle), PHEV (Plug in Hybrid Electric Vehicle) and BEV (Battery Electric Vehicle) is accelerating to develop vehicles with low environmental impact in line with the trend toward carbon neutrality. As this becomes more familiar to the public, xEV Inverters need to be smaller and thinner, and there is strong market pressure to reduce costs, so it is necessary to reduce the number of parts. Recent 6in1 SiC (Silicon Carbide) modules for xEV have added product value by incorporating snubber capacitors within the module. This integration requires attention to test conditions and some techniques are needed. In addition, by mounting SiC KGD (Known Good Die) in parallel inside the module, the total current capability is increased, and the number of DIB parts (especially relays) increases accordingly. Therefore, we offered AC only, DC only, and AC/DC indexed parallel in one ETS-88TH DUO to provide a more flexible solution.
MST Protocol Programming – Now Powered by PortBridge!
Original Author: Matt DiBiase

Matt DiBiase is a software engineer for the PortBridge team at Teradyne. He holds a Bachelor of Science in computer engineering from the University of New Hampshire.

Co-Author: Rich Dumene

Rich Dumene is the Principal Test Architect for Horizontal Power at Renesas Electronics, where he is responsible for broad test strategy and tester roadmap activities. Prior to this role at Renesas, Rich held various test engineering positions within Texas Instruments. Rich holds MSEE and BSEE degrees from Virginia Tech.

Over the past few years PortBridge has evolved into a robust solution on the UltraFLEX and UltraFLEXplus platforms. This paper will cover how we expanded that feature set onto the ETS-800 platform. The technical challenges encountered included initializing and interacting with PortBridge from C++, enabling the interactive tool usage from Visual Studio breakpoints and utilizing DSSC on the platform. We will cover module recording which allows the user to parse a sequence of operations once and reuse those multiple times throughout the flow. Test file support allows design files to run directly on the platform with minimal code and the remote connect feature enables usage of EDA tools on the tester real time. The combination of PortBridge and MST provides a highly efficient and versatile solution. It enhances testing capabilities and streamlines the development and debugging processes, making it an essential tool for engineers and developers in the semiconductor industry.
Reducing Short Circuit IGBT VCE Overshoot With a dv/dt Feedback Control Method
Original Author: Andres Pineda

Andres Pineda is a factory applications engineer for the power discrete unit at Teradyne, where he is responsible for design analog and digital interfaces to implement switching, filtering, signal conversion, and other functions. Prior to Teradyne, Andres was a schematic and layout designer at Intel. He holds a bachelor degree in electronic engineering from Tecnologico of Costa Rica, he also holds a master degree on business administration from the ENAE and a master degree in Project Management from the Tecnologico de Costa Rica.

Overshoot on the VCE signal during a short circuit test on an IGBT, SiC or Mosfet always manifests at the time the device is switching its state from On to Off. This overshoot represents a threat to the integrity of the device because in some cases the peak value of this signal can surpasses the breakdown voltage or even the maximum electrical specifications the device can handle, therefore damaging the device. In the case of Power Discrete applications when designing a PCB that will execute a whole flow of tests (including the Short Circuit Test), parasitic inductances are introduced to the circuit creating or increasing the overshoot the device will experience. There are several techniques that are applied in the field to reduce this effect, like changing the Rg resistor on gate, manipulating the VGE value, or adding a snubber circuit on the design, but these techniques often do not resolve the issue completely and in some cases generate other problems for the field engineers. This project proposes a dv/dt feedback control method that uses a capacitor placed in parallel to the miller capacitance of the device, introducing a current di/dt to the control circuit in order to change the dv/dt response of the device, therefore reducing or even eliminating the overshoot generate by the application itself.

Production Solutions

UltraFLEXplus Towerless Hinge Test Cell Solution Using Outer Pull Down (OPD) Docking
Original Author: Daniel Park

Daniel Park is the test cell product specialist for the semiconductor test division at Teradyne in North Reading. He is responsible for developing new test cell solutions, providing technical pre-sales and marketing support, and integrating with third-party vendors. Daniel has been with Teradyne for 19 years. He holds both a bachelor’s and a master’s degree in electronics and engineering from Seoul, Korea.

Co-Author: Troy Harnisch & Darren Oh

Troy Harnisch is a Test Cell Applications Specialist for Teradyne, based out of Agoura Hills, California. Troy works closely with Teradyne customers to optimize test cell systems at wafer probe and final package test. Troy started his semiconductor test experience with Texas Instruments’ Memory Division in 1995 and has since worked for various startup companies located in Silicon Valley and Europe developing probe card technologies that improve test cell performance. Darren Oh is the test cell engineering manager for semi engineering at Teradyne Singapore. He is the technical lead on a variety of test cell product development initiatives and interface solutions for the semiconductor test platforms. He holds a Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering from Nanyang Technological University (Singapore).

With the introduction of towerless UltraFLEXplus, the test cell footprint or floor space has been largely consumed by universal manipulators to manage larger and heavier testers. Semiconductor manufacturers are requesting more test capability in smaller footprints to avoid building new test facilities. UltraFLEXplus meets these reduced footprint needs while maintaining existing towerless signal delivery, rigid architectures, docking interfaces and maintains the existing DIB frame architecture for smooth transition with existing products. Hinge manipulator features on UltraFLEXplus does not stop there. Added benefits also include a host of new improvements such as: better docking repeatability, integrated probecard security, and automated OPD docking operation for fully automated (hands-off) testing capability. This paper will introduce a new probecard orientation and prober loading for hinge test cells. Also included are details of feature enhancements which not only add value to the Customer for future test floor operations and planning, but simplify cable and hose management, less test cell setup complexity, and overall stability over time. The significant benefit of reduced footprint with the UltraFLEXplus Q24 that doubles the instrument quantity or signal capability with no impact to the test cell footprint as compared to the smallest tester in the UltraFLEXplus family. Hinge manipulators are available with all major prober suppliers with no need to change existing prober Supplier.
DIB Design Techniques for Higher Voltage and Lower Partial Discharge
Original Author: Mario Ulate

Mario Ulate is the Engineering Support Lead for ETS-88 UHV Platform at Teradyne, where he is responsible for providing customer support, hardware design and test development for the high voltage applications. Previous to his current role, Mario had different roles at Teradyne including a ETS HW Sustaining Engineer, UFLX SW Quality Assurance Engineer and an intern. He holds a degree in Electronic Engineering from Costa Rica's Technological Institute.

Partial discharge is a localized breakdown of the insulation material of an electrical device. Partial discharge testing is of high importance on optic and magnetic isolators due to its capability of forecasting early defects on such devices. The ETS-88 UHV is designed to perform these types of tests at high voltage in compliance with IEC-60747. With an electric vehicle market demanding greater withstand for isolating parts, having components tested at higher voltages is a must. However, the test bench under which the high voltage is applied could become a source of PD (Partial Discharge) noise if the design is not performed carefully. Partial discharge tends to be a non-repeatable and unexpected behavior by the sole nature of the effect itself. This means high voltages require more reliable and robust designs that isolate the effect of the DUT (Device Under Test) from the rest of the hardware. Designing a low PD noise environment can be exhausting to debug. Hardware can confound the designer as the PD can't be seen or measured directly with instrumentation on the DIB. This presentation will provide techniques such as PCB design, cable arrangement, clearance and creepage, material selection and structural support, which will be based on both theoretical and empirical knowledge.
A Users Guide to ETS-800 Sector Coordination
Original Author: Andy Westall

Andy Westall is an FAE for NW SEG at Teradyne, where he is responsible for ETS-800, 88 and 364 product support. Prior to Teradyne, Andy was a Test Engineer at Texas Instruments (legacy National Semiconductor). He holds a BSEE with a minor in Physics from the University of Washington in Seattle.

Co-Author: Ben Lok & Margaret Silva

Ben Lok is the field application engineer for SEMI at Teradyne (US NW Region), where he is responsible for supporting customers on Eagles tester platform. Prior to Teradyne, Ben was the test engineer at Renesas Dialog Silego. He holds a Master of Science in electrical engineering from San Jose State University. Margaret Silva is a field applications engineer for eagle test systems at Teradyne, where she is responsible for developing test programs and assisting customers with technical challenges. Prior to Teradyne, Margaret graduated from the University of California Santa Cruz with a bachelor's degree in Robotics Engineering.

This paper presents the technique for implementing a 'sync to ID number' function and a FOR_EACH_SECTOR macro. The sync to ID number function causes each sector to sync to exactly the same point in the code. This functionality is not currently available using the existing SyncStations() API. The FOR_EACH_SECTOR macro is similar to the FOR_EACH_SITE macro, but instead loops individually though each sector, rather than each site. The problem that needs to be solved comes from the implementation of the SyncStations(int iSyncId) command available to users as an MST API. The way this command is currently implemented, although the iSyncId ID number of the sync point is available for debug purposes, the sectors are not guaranteed to sync to the same ID point in the program. This means that when trying to sync the sectors together the user can easily end up causing the sectors to 'ping-pong' instead. As we will explain in the paper there are many times the provided APIs are more than sufficient. But there can be problems in multiple cases. This paper presents a solution to these problems using the cross-sector, shared memory resources of TerMSTapp to write user application code that is aware of the sync point that other sectors are at. It also tracks if the sector is frozen a that sync ID point, or if it is between sync points. Using this information when sectors get out of sync 'lagging' sectors are freed to catch up to 'leading' sectors and only the front most sector is paused at a sync point as all of the other lagging sectors catch up to it. A user adjustable max sync wait time is also provided and discussed. Finally, this paper discusses specific use cases where it is important to sync each sector to the exact same point of code in order to avoid the possibility of significant test escapes.
The Best Practice of Program Auto-gen and Audit
Original Author: Dale Wang

Dale Wang is the field application engineer at Teradyne, where he is responsible for test program development and supporting customers on UltraFLEX and UltraFLEXplus tester. Prior to Teradyne, Dale was the field application engineer at Cohu. He holds a Master of Science in electro-optical engineering.

Based on productivity tools such as IG-Link, IG-Log, and IG-Review, are designed to align with the customer's test plan, generate the test program, and then return the test program to the test plan. This approach ensures that the test patterns and conditions precisely match the designer's plan and customer requirements. By integrating these tools, we can significantly reduce development time and expedite mass production, thereby enhancing both quality and efficiency. Specifically, the Test Program Generator takes test data from the RD’s test plan and the standard test library (STD) to create IGXL programs using IG-Link. Meanwhile, the Test Program Auditor utilizes data from IG-Review and IG-Logger to compare it against the designer's test plan, ensuring full alignment. These tools offer several key benefits: Compatibility: IG-Review, IG-Logger, and IG-Link, maintained by Teradyne, are compatible with J750 UltraFLEX and UltraFLEXplus platforms. Ease of Use: The tools simplify the creation of source files for IG-Link. Accuracy: They facilitate easy comparison of IG-Review reports with the RD’s test plan. Reliability: Customers can rely on these test programs for Teradyne platforms to deliver consistent and accurate results.
Improving Time to Market Using ETS-800 Productivity Tools During Test Development
Original Author: Kah-Woh Wong

Kah-Woh Wong is an application engineer for test program development and support for various ETS platforms. Prior to Teradyne, he served as an application engineer at Credence, He holds a Bachelor of Electronic Engineering from Universiti Putra Malaysia.

In today's fast-evolving technological landscape, the ability to develop and deploy test solutions is crucial. This paper explores the process of ETS800 test program development using productivity tools to expedite market entry. By leveraging automated frameworks and library code, we demonstrate how the test solution development phase can be significantly shortened without compromising on quality. This paper focuses on the implementation of these tools in a real-world test development environment, highlighting the benefits in terms of time savings, cost reduction, and overall product reliability. The findings suggest that integrating these tools into the development lifecycle can streamline the process, thus enabling engineers to achieve faster time-to-market and maintain a competitive edge.
Enhancing Quality and Efficiency: The Teradyne DPAT Library
Original Author: Alec Autry

Alec Autry is the field application engineer for eagle platforms at Teradyne, where he is responsible for supporting customers in the Dallas Texas area. Prior to Teradyne, Alec was an student at Texas A&M. He holds a Bachelor of Science in electronic systems engineering technology from Texas A&M University.

Co-Author: Meher Nagpal

Meher Nagpal is a Field Applications Engineer for Eagle Testing Systems at Teradyne, where he is responsible for developing and debugging customer test solutions using the ETS platform. Prior to Teradyne, Meher was a student at San Jose State University, and he holds a bachelor's degree in electrical engineering, and a minor in business administration.

Dynamic Part Average Testing (DPAT) is a key tool for identifying outliers in manufacturing processes, enhancing production quality. Although typically implemented at the wafer stage, it’s also applicable in Final Testing. At the wafer stage, DPAT can be executed inline, coded, or applied as a post-process before wafer cutting. In Final Testing, inline execution of DPAT is necessary due to the absence of further sorting. Despite the demand for a general solution or methodology for incorporating DPAT, Teradyne currently doesn’t provide one yet, as each customer has unique requirements. This paper explores the benefits of a comprehensive Teradyne solution for DPAT testing on the ETS-800. The proposed solution involves developing a Teradyne DPAT library, which would enable customers to conserve time, minimize effort, and enhance quality while minimizing the changes required to each test application. The primary objectives include standardizing inputs and outputs, simplifying user coding, and improving DPAT solutions’ test time. This approach allows users to have the flexibility to customize their calculations, promoting efficiency and precision in DPAT testing.
Converting a Test Program to the UltraFLEXplus: A Field Guide
Original Author: Kitty Belling

Kitty Belling is a software engineer for the PortBridge team at Teradyne, where she is responsible for PortBridge development. Prior to this role, Kitty was a field applications engineer within Teradyne SEG. She holds a Bachelor of Science in engineering from Harvey Mudd College.

Co-Author: Nicolas Madrid

Nicolas Madrid is a Field Applications Engineer for the UltraFLEX platform at Teradyne, where he is responsible for supporting customers in the San Jose area. Prior to Teradyne, Nick was a Product Engineer at Texas Instruments. He holds a degree in Electrical & Computer Engineering from UC Davis.

The UltraFLEXplus platform is the newest member of the UltraFLEX family, designed to support the next generation of digital devices. The expanded capabilities of the new system has prompted many to switch to the UltraFLEXplus, or use a combination of UltraFLEX and UltraFLEXplus to test their devices. The two platforms share many similarities, including the IGXL code environment. However, through firsthand experience upgrading and debugging test programs, we have found there are several key differences that program developers should be aware of when switching to the Plus. Through this presentation, we will share tips, tricks and lessons learned for transitioning programs between the two platforms, as well as additional considerations needed to take advantage of all improvements achieved by the UltraFLEXplus. This hands-on guide focuses on practical advice for anyone either starting on or moving to the new platform, and includes discussion of the latest instruments and innovative test techniques available.
Adding SPI Peripherals to the DIB
Original Author: Doug Pounds

Doug Pounds is the lead factory applications technologist for the precision linear and power market segment with over 43 years of automatic test experience. Doug has developed dozens of test applications utilizing the Eagle Test Systems platforms. In addition, Doug has also designed the Eagle Test Systems Capacitance Application Module (CAM) and High Voltage Module (HVM), High Power VI Module of which he holds a patent associated with it. Doug has authored dozens test technique presentations. Doug holds a Bachelor of Science in electrical engineering from The University of Massachusetts at Lowell.

The ETS-800 Test System natively supports I2C functionality to allow many I2C controlled peripheral devices to be utilized on the DIB or Family Board. This is very useful for adding support circuitry to aid in DUT testing. As site counts grow significantly and I2C communication increases, test time is impacted by the slowness of I2C coupled with the amount of communication required. This starts to eat into throughput via longer test times.SPI peripherals operate at much higher frequency or clock rates yielding significantly faster communication times compared to I2C. Historically, the ETS-800 does not natively support using SPI peripherals without utilizing HSD pins which takes resources away from testing the DUT. An underutilized resource on the ETS-800 are the PSQ signals dedicated to the DIB. There are 4 PSQ signal lines per sector to the DIB. This presentation will show how these 4 PSQ signal lines can be used to operate SPI protocol peripherals on the DIB or Family Board which will improve communication speed as well as open new opportunities to use more advanced circuitry that is not available with I2C.
Git and IG-Link: The Dynamic Duo for Unified Programs
Original Author: Kitty Belling

Kitty Belling is a software engineer for the PortBridge team at Teradyne, where she is responsible for PortBridge development. Prior to this role, Kitty was a field applications engineer within Teradyne SEG. She holds a Bachelor of Science in engineering from Harvey Mudd College.

Git is a powerful revision control software that enables flexible and collaborative file management for local and global teams alike. However, compiled IGXL files obscure specific revisions in Git, which blunts Git’s effectiveness in identifying, tracking and merging individual edits to sheets and code modules. Thus, ideal test program repositories keep files stored as ASCII. This makes Git perfect to pair with the IG-Link tool of the Oasis suite, which allows users to build IGXL subprograms, jobs and workbooks from a codebase of organized ASCII files. The combination of the two software tools allows for one unified codebase to span multiple platforms (such as UltraFLEX and UltraFLEXplus) as well as multiple software revisions (such as IGXL 9.10 and 10.50). Over the course of multiple projects, a Gitflow-style approach to repository maintenance has allowed a Teradyne team to maintain a golden, working copy of each device’s test program during active development and debug. In this presentation, I hope to share the most effective ways we have found to start, debug and maintain a test program between platforms and software revisions.
How to Use the DSSC Operational Modes for Multi-site Testing Efficiently
Original Author: Shotaro Nishiki

Shotaro Nishiki is the field application engineer for analog SOC devices at Teradyne, where he is responsible for customer support for the ETS-800 tester. He holds a Master of Science in materials engineering from Nagoya University.

This presentation provides a guide to fully utilize the two main operational modes of the DSSC engine, namely the Parallel Mode and the Serial Mode. These modes are selected based on the specific requirements of the Device Under Test (DUT) and are crucial for optimizing test efficiency and performance. In Parallel Mode, each channel of the engine is read per vector step. This is suitable when there is a need to read multiple channels simultaneously. On the other hand, in Serial Mode, the DSSC reads only one bit per vector step, reducing the DSSC readback time for a DUT with a single serial output pin. Notably, due to the limitations of the DSSC engine, even for device pins with serial communication, selecting Parallel Mode can be more beneficial for multi-site usage. The presentation will discuss the characteristics, advantages, limitations, and test times of these modes. It will also discuss how to appropriately select and apply these modes to optimize test strategies.
Using the PinPMU Pattern Synchronized Ramping Feature on UltraFLEXplus Testing Low Cost MCUs at High Site Counts
Original Author: Leo Di Bello

Leo Di Bello is the Factory Applications Engineer at Teradyne, where he is responsible for defining requirements for next generation instruments on J750 and UltraFLEX family testers for testing Microcontrollers and Smartcards. Prior to this role, Leo was a Field Applications Engineer based in Munich supporting European customers on J750 and J971 systems. He holds a degree in electrical communications engineering from University in Ulm, Germany.

Co-Author: Tuyen Nguyen

Tuyen Nguyen is a field application engineer at Teradyne’s Plano office. He is responsible for supporting customers at Texas Instruments and Infineon in developing and debugging test programs on the UltraFLEXplus tester. Tuyen joined Teradyne in 2018 after graduating from the Rochester Institute of Technology, where he earned a Bachelor of Science degree in electrical engineering.

Most low cost MCUs have embedded 10 or 12-bit ADCs. Testing those ADCs usually requires precise analog instruments to drive a ramp in sync with a pattern. Especially with higher site counts at wafer test, the need for many of those precise instruments can lead to an increased cost of test. The UltraFLEXplus UP2200 digital instrument has a PMU per pin, and the accuracy and linearity is appropriate for testing 10 and 12-bit ADCs. Having a PMU behind each pin allows testing multiple sites or ADC inputs in parallel to reduce test time. In addition, the PMU can also be used to drive ramps for threshold tests or trimming. Up to now, synchronizing the PMU with the pattern required using pattern CPU flags to repeatedly jump back and forth between the pattern and an interpose function. This use model has unnecessary complexity and overhead due to the hand shaking between the pattern and interpose function. A new PMU feature has been introduced to support pattern synchronous ramp generation, without the need for interpose functions. This simplifies test development and makes optimal use of the PACE architecture and background processing of the UltraFLEXplus. This paper will describe how to use this new feature and its capabilities on synchronizing the signal with a pattern module. It will then demonstrate a proof of the solution on a real device in production and compare it to a solution using more precise instruments.
How to Enhance Accuracy in High-Resolution ADC and DAC Testing
Original Author: Pablo Sulecio

Pablo Sulecio is a factory application engineer for mixed-signal devices at Teradyne, where he is responsible for developing test solutions utilizing the ETS-800 and ETS-364 testers. Prior to Teradyne, Pablo was a structural designer at Intel. He holds a Bachelor of Science in electronic engineering from Costa Rica Institute of Technology.

When testing ADCs or DACs with 16-bit resolution or higher, the QMS is a good candidate and will only need some considerations to ensure good accuracy and enough resolution, especially for those devices under test (DUT) with very low non-linearity specs (less than 1 LSB) and high voltage ranges (greater than 10V). As a rule of thumb, the chosen measuring instrument should have ten times better resolution and accuracy than the devices being tested. This is where additional techniques may be required to enhance accuracy when measuring voltages with the QMS. One effective method involves implementing a pedestal voltage source along with instrumental amplifiers on the DIB and performing focused calibration with a high-accuracy digital multimeter. Together, these improve the QMS's resolution and accuracy. This paper will explain how this technique works, how to implement it, and will analyze how temperature can impact the pedestal voltage, potentially leading to incorrect voltage measurements on the DUT. The paper will also provide recommendations on how to mitigate the impact of temperature changes.
Enhance Equipment Efficiency and Throughput Through Teradyne’s Multi Sector Technology SW
Original Author: Aik-Moh Ng

Aik-Moh Ng is the product manger for the power linear devices at Teradyne, were Moh is responsible for marketing and product requirements for the ETS-800, ETS-88 and ETS-364 platforms. Prior to Teradyne, Moh was the application manager at Eagle Test System. Moh holds a Bachelor's in electrical and electronics engineering from the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology.

Multi-site index Parallel (MSIP) testing in Automatic Test Equipment (ATE) significantly enhances Units Per Hour (UPH) compared to conventional multi-site testing methods. MSIP allows multiple devices to be tested simultaneously across various test sites, optimizing instrument utilization and reducing idle times. Unlike traditional multi-site testing, which often suffers from sequential processing bottlenecks and inefficient parallelism, MSIP maximizes throughput by leveraging concurrent execution. This method reduces overall test time and enhances efficiency, directly translating to increased UPH. Additionally, MSIP's ability to balance workload dynamically across test sites ensures consistent performance and mitigates the impact of prolonged test time affected by scan and low current leakage testing times. Consequently, MSIP in ATE represents a superior approach for high-volume semiconductor manufacturing, delivering substantial improvements in productivity and cost efficiency.
Match Loop Usage and Characteristics Across Different Platforms
Original Author: Gavin Shang

Gavin Shang is the field application engineer for digital/SOC devices at Teradyne, where he is responsible for develop and support the devices test solution development for UltraFLEX/UltraFLEXPlus tester. He holds a degree in Bachelor of Electronic Information Engineering from Anhui Jianzhu University.

Match loop is a very useful feature that is used in many test scenarios. Match loops allow a pattern to branch based on output from a device pin. When using Match loop, people typically pay attention to the branch condition setup. The branch condition is a crucial factor in determining whether specific actions are executed during testing. For instance, if the output of a particular device pin satisfies specific conditions, Match loop can choose different operation paths based on that condition. Different ATE platforms and digital boards will have different ways of using Match loop. By comparing the differences in the Match loop function between different platforms, we can find out the characteristics of each when applied. We will show what is match loop at first. Then this article will discuss and compare the usage methods on each ATE platform such as J750HD, UltraFLEX/UltraFLEXplus and ETS-800. This will help engineers use the Match loop function more conveniently across different platforms.
High Efficiency Fail Log Capture and Analysis Solution on UltraFLEXplus
Original Author: Liangyu Qu

Liangyu Qu is the field application engineer at Teradyne, responsible for kinds of system on device chip support, such as transceiver , image sensor, large scale digital chips. Prior to Teradyne, Liangyu was a RF engineer at Spreadtrum.

Fail log capture and analysis is necessary and very important in almost every program Functional debugging, sometimes a small batch production fail log will have to be collected, to make a tradeoff analysis. The traditional solution is to get data from HRAM or CMEM, such as SFP of Teradyne J750 and UltraFLEX; most competitors ATE platform adopt a similar way. It is less efficient and difficult to use in production, test time is a key constraint. But for the Teradyne latest SOC tester UltraFLEXplus, we have another choice. The new structure UltraFLEXplus is not only evidenced by high instrument performance and huge broadside layout area, but also the data log flow and analysis. When UltraFLEXplus writes data to STDF file, it also has an interface to copy any data (fail log included) and transfer it to user, binding with algorithm, customer can make any analysis in real time.it almost will not take additional test time. In this paper, UltraFLEXplus data consumer structure and Scan falcon simple application case will be introduced, to make the customized output as customer’s requirements, such as single test item loops and site parallel output. Scan falcon can save a lot of test time, even if it is mainly targeted for debugging. Furthermore, if customers may also want to do some basic fail log analysis for production, Archimedes will be recommended, especially the potential benefit of big digital device testing. The strengths and weaknesses comparations between Scan Falcon, Archimedes real time analysis and extract fail cycle from STDF after end lots, will also be showed to audience.
Test Program Profiling Under .Net
Original Author: Ralf Baumann

Ralf Baumann is working as a Factory Applications Engineer in the digital and software tools group joining in 2021, where he is responsible for e.g., support key design-ins and new product development on the UltraFLEXplus tester platform. Prior to this role, Ralf was working as a Field Applications Engineer at Teradyne, supporting multiple platforms and customers. He holds a master’s degree in electrical engineering from the University of Applied Sciences, Munich.

Co-Author: Mathias Schmid

Mathias Schmid is part of the digital and software tools group in factory applications. He supports the rollout of .NET Development in IG-XL. Prior to this role, Mathias was working as a System Engineer, supporting automation testing of batterie systems and modules via Python. He holds a Master of Engineering in mechatronics from the Munich University of Applied Sciences.

Moving to .NET, IG-XL users have now the ability to develop their test program code within Visual Studio, leveraging the power and flexibility of modern programming languages like C# and VB.NET. Besides getting more flexibility and advantages using a modern programming language, there is also a need to analyze your code, especially when it comes to executing performance. IG-XL already provides an integrated profiling tool (TimeLines), but while the driver integration makers (Automatic VBT, DSP, and Result Overhang, etc.) are still supported, there is no build in support yet to analyze non IG-XL code. This paper embarks on an exploration of various methods to overcome the existing gap in .NET source code profiling. It delves into different approaches and tools, such as the Visual Studio Performance tools, both commercial and non-commercial tools, and even manually created timestamps. The aim is to provide developers with the knowledge and resources necessary to optimize their code performance, thereby ensuring efficient and effective test programs in .NET. In addition to examining these methods, the paper also offers a glimpse into future developments and potential enhancements in this area.
Tips for Sharing Instruments Across Multiple Sites on ETS-800
Original Author: Tokio Ochiai

Tokio Ochiai is the field application engineer for SoC devices at Teradyne, where he is responsible for development of ETS-800 tests. Prior to Teradyne, Tokio was the engineer at UT Aim. He holds a degree in Bachelor of Arts in Literature from Waseda University.

When sharing a single instrument at multiple sites, in order to make the most of the instrument's functions, it is necessary to determine channel assignments taking into account the features and constraints of each function. Points to consider when determining assignments are summarized for each instrument below. This section explains the functional constraints and points to note for each of the following instruments. This will cover TSM, PSQ, Threading Mode, and DSSC in the HSD-32. In addition to these, the HSD-64, the successor to the HSD-32, also explains the DIB Access matrix. The presentation will cover how alarms that occur on a TMU, APEx, or bank basis are handled in the UPD-64. It will also cover APEx and Common-Low connections for each bank in the APU-32A. This will also include channel pairing using AB Mux in the SPU-8112.
Imaging DSP Power Calculation
Original Author: El-Mehdi Taieb

El Mehdi Taieb is the application engineer at Teradyne, where he is responsible for supporting image sensor devices for the IP750 & UltraFLEXplus IPQ8 tester. Prior to This role, El-Mehdi was supporting automotive, Mixed signal, Ultra-Sound & RF devices. He holds a Master of Science in digital and analog integrated circuits conception from INPG-Joseph Fourier University.

Co-Author: Sebastien Brachet

Sebastien Brachet is a field application engineer for image sensor devices at Teradyne, where he is responsible for supporting the development on IP750Ex and UltraFLEXplus IPQ8 testers. Sébastien started with digital then automotive testing on multiple ig-xl platforms. He holds an engineering degree in semiconductor physics from Marseille.

When preparing the test solution for an image sensor device the most challenging task is to determine the calculation power needed for fully executing the algorithms in background and saving the image files. Image sensor devices can be several tens of Mpixels in size and the solution may need to test 30 to 40 devices in parallel. Also, the complexity of the algorithms is growing driven by the need to guarantee a higher quality of the captured image. The DSP computer receives the image planes from the capture instrumentation and must execute the algorithms in real time. So that no overhead will be seen in the main test program run. DSP instrumentation and DSP licenses can be expensive. A proper sizing of the calculation needs allows to minimize the cost of test and avoid having delays on the production line. In this paper we will show how to use the image sensor device info to decide the number of DSP computers needed and the number of licenses to be activated.
Imaging File Transfer
Original Author: El-Mehdi Taieb

El Mehdi Taieb is the application engineer at Teradyne, where he is responsible for supporting image sensor devices for the IP750 & UltraFLEXplus IPQ8 tester. Prior to This role, El-Mehdi was supporting automotive, Mixed signal, Ultra-Sound & RF devices. He holds a Master of Science in digital and analog integrated circuits conception from INPG-Joseph Fourier University.

Co-Author: Sebastien Brachet

Sebastien Brachet is a field application engineer for image sensor devices at Teradyne, where he is responsible for supporting the development on IP750Ex and UltraFLEXplus IPQ8 testers. Sébastien started with digital then automotive testing on multiple ig-xl platforms. He holds an engineering degree in semiconductor physics from Marseille.

The use of imaging devices is growing year after year. We can find imaging devices in our computers, telephone, car, home control systems, industrial devices, etc. On top of the number of image sensors also the size of the sensors is growing which is creating new challenges for the Automatic Test Equipment. The automatic test of image sensor requires, on top of the standard test features, the possibility to save the images planes into files that must be archived and made available for a certain time. Collecting the files and transferring them to a server can be a headache if the tester doesn’t provide the needed HW and SW architecture to make is transparent for the end user. In this paper we will show the state-of-the art of the current implementation on the IPQ8 tester and share the guidelines on how the engineer can plan the hardware configuration needed based on the DUT information
Improving Throughput with Microcontroller Based Concurrent Testing on Any Teradyne Test Platform
Original Author: Jozef Molnar

Jozef Molnar is a field applications engineer for the Eagle platform at Teradyne, where he is responsible for developing test solutions for mixed-signal devices of all kinds. Prior to Teradyne, Jozef was developing ICs at Motorola and worked as test engineer at Infineon. he holds a Master of Science degree in electrical engineering and information technology from the Slovak Technical University Bratislava.

When chip-on-chip, chip-by-chip or other monolithic ICs would allow concurrent testing, but the tester’s digital pattern generator is busy with running long ATPG patterns, there is no possibility left to provide SPI/JTAG etc. commands to put the analog part into test modes. The proposed approach allows the uploading of command sequences for various serial/parallel protocols into a controller (e.g., during UserInit()) and then sending them to the DUT at e.g., PSQ/MCU clock pulses or at I2C commands, allowing the analog parts to be put into test modes and so enabling them to be tested concurrently during ATPG pattern runs. The solution utilizes a micro-controller with an I2C slave and several master interfaces as well as level shifters and some glue logic with pass-through mode for digital signals. It can be implemented as a module supporting one or more sites depending on the selected micro-controller.
The UltraEdge Ultimate Solution: Containers!
Original Author: Lawrence Luce

Lawrence (Larry) Luce is a Factory Applications Engineer at Teradyne, where he is responsible for RF, Microwave, DSP, PyGXL, and AI in Test, as well as the new UltraEdge product. Prior to Teradyne, Larry was the RF Test Engineering Team Lead at Freescale Corporation. He studied Microwave Engineering at the University of Arizona.

Recent improvements in ML capabilities allow addressing a greater range of semiconductor test problems with higher confidence levels, moving ML models into the toolbox for Test and Product Engineers. Different ML models, of course, perform different functions. Some examples include: * Regression Models for curve fitting , used for reducing the number of measurements required to optimize register settings for minimum operating voltage (Vmin) test, and adjusting search ranges and step sizes for faster calibration of various analog functions. ML models can do multi-dimensional regression on many parameters at once. * Outlier (or “Novelty”) Detection Models can be used for Part Average Testing (PAT) and Dynamic-PAT, which means using the statistics of each lot or wafer to tighten the test limits for high reliability testing, such as automotive, medical, or military devices. It may also be used for detecting a process shift across wafers or lots, and even detecting DIB, probecard or socket issues during test. * Classification Models can be used for things like Speed Binning digital devices, and for automatically classifying Wafer Test Defect Maps and Schmoo Plots, as well as enabling or disabling tests based upon test results earlier in the test flow (i.e. Adaptive Test). Customers want to implement ML in test in order to reduce cost of test by reducing test time through adaptive test and predictive calibration. But since ML calculations are often very compute-intensive, running their models on the tester host computer would be counter-productive. They need a well-integrated parallel processor with software support in the host programming language - IG-XL for now, MST and others to come. They also need high IP security for both their ML models and their data. Built-in multi-site ML support such as python, scikit-learn, and Docker containers facilitate ease of use. Containers are lightweight alternatives to Virtual Machines (VMs). While VMs emulate an entire operating system (OS), containers share the host machine's Kernal, resulting in smaller file sizes, faster startup and operation, while still offering process-level isolation and portability. On the UltraEdge, containers allow the user to use any desired programming language (or specific version thereof) that will run on a Linux core, bundled with their program and all of its dependencies, eliminating version conflicts when deployed to production sites around the world. Come learn what Docker containers and images are, how to develop and build them for your production Machine Learning application, and how to download and use them on the UltraEdge for a seamless production deployment.
Managing High Probe Force Applications at Wafer Test on the UltraFLEXplus
Original Author: Troy Harnisch

Troy Harnisch is a Test Cell Applications Specialist for Teradyne, based out of Agoura Hills, California. Troy works closely with Teradyne customers to optimize test cell systems at wafer probe and final package test. Troy started his semiconductor test experience with Texas Instruments’ Memory Division in 1995 and has since worked for various startup companies located in Silicon Valley and Europe developing probe card technologies that improve test cell performance.

Co-Author: Darren Oh

Darren Oh is the test cell engineering manager for semi engineering at Teradyne Singapore. He is the technical lead on a variety of test cell product development initiatives and interface solutions for the semiconductor test platforms. He holds a Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering from Nanyang Technological University (Singapore).

The semiconductor wafer test market is trending toward higher pin count devices requiring more connections within the probe card architecture. In addition, UltraFLEXplus provides the capability for increased parallel testing for some devices. This increase in device connections directly contributes to increased probe force over larger probe array areas. Probe force management on the UltraFLEXplus platforms is addressed in multiple areas: The probe card architecture, the docking interface architecture, and the tester’s frame architecture. The UltraFLEXplus probe card architecture is structurally compatible for these high force applications. UltraFLEXplus can effectively manage many probe applications used today up to 150Kg. This paper will address new features focusing on probe force application requirements beyond 150Kg. These new features will be introduced with their respective rigidity contributions for managing high probe force applications for all devices regardless of parallelism at wafer test. This upgrade approach will increase the overall force management performance used with all the UltraFLEXplus platforms for wafer testing.
Agnostic GPIB Emulation for Teradyne Testers: Streamlining Production and Testing Processes
Original Author: Laurent Bonneval

Laurent Bonneval joined Teradyne in 1998 and spent the next 20 years overseeing Operator Interfaces and handler prober drivers. In 2010, He began implementing TEMS software and took on the role of leading the SEMI Cast committee for the TEMS Specification. Currently, he led a team focused on data collection, named DIA (Data and Integration Analytics), where they assist our customers in utilizing the Archimedes suite, which includes the UltraEdge and Amp systems.

Emulating production environments presents significant challenges, particularly regarding the needs of probers and handlers. This paper introduces a versatile software solution designed to emulate the GPIB system on any Teradyne platform. This agnostic software can read various types of log files and replaces the NI GPIB library to send accurate responses based on the created logs. We will explore multiple use cases, including enhancing driver development, implementing regression and reliability tests, and testing products such as TEMS in production modes within a "production emulation environment." Additionally, this software aids product engineers in testing their programs in customer production environments. The emulator facilitates testing of tester software, various products, and accelerates the deployment of test programs in customer production settings.


IP750 SiPMs Test Solution
Original Author: Triston Ma

Triston Ma is a factory applications engineer for image sensor at Teradyne, where he is responsible for application development of image sensor testing. Prior to this role, Triston was responsible for application development of high speed digital testing. He holds a master degree in Testing & Measurement Engineering from Shanghai Jiaotong University.

SiPMs (silicon photomultipliers) are single-photon-sensitive devices based on single-photon avalanche diodes (SPADs) implemented on common silicon substrate, it generates pulses after absorbing photons. Major advantages of the SiPMs include wide detection range, high gain, high sensitivity (down to a single photon) , low bias voltage, and no magnetic field interference. These characteristics make it a good choice for light detection applications, for example time of flight positron emission tomography (TOF-PET), distance measurements in LIDAR applications, quantum-cryptography and related applications. In SiPMs soc testing, ATE is usually required to provide illuminator, force high positive or negative voltage as device bias voltage, make current measurement and count the device output pulses at high frequencies. This document introduces the SiPMs test solution on Teradyne IP750 platform. APMU is a power supply instrument of IP750, the test solution takes advantage of APMU’s high voltage ranges as well as greater current capabilities. HSD800 frequency counter is used for counting the pulses, how to setup it to co-work with digital channels of different timing mode is introduced.

Locations & Details

United States

  • Austin, TX – Mar 25, 2025
  • Irvine, CA – Mar 6, 2025
  • Plano/Dallas, TX – Mar 27, 2025
  • Salem, NH – Apr 3, 2025
  • San Diego, CA – Mar 4, 2025
  • San Jose, CA – Apr 15, 2025


  • Catania, Italy – Mar 20, 2025
  • Munich, Germany – Feb 27, 2025
  • Rousset, France – Mar 18, 2025


  • Alabang, Philippines – Apr 24, 2025
  • Beijing, China – Apr 22, 2025
  • Binyamina, Israel – February 20, 2025
  • Hsinchu, Taiwan – Apr 15, 2025
  • Penang, Malaysia – Apr 10, 2025
  • Seoul, Korea – Feb 20, 2025
  • Shanghai, China – Apr 18, 2025
  • ShenZhen, China – Apr 24, 2025
  • Singapore – Apr 8, 2025
  • Yokohama, Japan – Feb 26, 2025

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